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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Indesign ==> Xara Designer Pro X9 ?


    Is there any way to import Adobe Indesign files (on Mac) directly into Xara Designer Pro X9?
    Or is the best way to do this to get it exported out from Indesign into an intermediary format such as PDF?

    With thanks


  2. #2

    Default Re: Indesign ==> Xara Designer Pro X9 ?

    PDF. Else setup XDP to the same page size and do some judicious copy/paste of the text, reset it, import the ID assets (images, vector, etc.).

    I would go with the PDF first. PDF/X-4 output may hold the colors better in any natively drawn ID assets, though you may receive a warning doing the import. The highest PDF format XDP supports (1.7 I think) may well be the best option for the export out of ID.



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