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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Saskatchewan, Canada

    Default Trying to Remove links in the 'All Effects Slideshow' widget.

    Maybe someone else has had experience with this.

    I add the 'All Effects Slider' widget into my webpage with pictures and click the 'remove link' button... but the picture links are still active.

    The result of this is when someone moves their mouse pointer over the picture sliders, their mouse pointer changes to indicate an active link, - - - They 'Click' and xara sends them all the way back to the top of the page that the slider is on.

    Very frustrating... Thus, I'm having to create an anchor in text just above the image slider to limit the effect of the 'unwelcome links'.

    Wondering if anyone has come across this issue and if so, what you did to overcome it.

    Thanks in advance. J

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Trying to Remove links in the 'All Effects Slideshow' widget.

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    I am not sure if I looked at the same slider, but I get the same result with one of the effect sliders.

    I'll send a heads up to Xara.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Saskatchewan, Canada

    Default Re: Trying to Remove links in the 'All Effects Slideshow' widget.

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
    Yes - it happens with a couple of them. The little round one does it too. Not all the time though.
    Not sure what or if I'm doing something different that triggers it one time and not the next.
    I'm trying to figure that one out. If I learn anything I'll be sure to share it.

    The particular one I mentioned earlier is in the Photo Slideshows Folder, it's the 16th effect called 'All Effects Slideshow'.
    Girls face, sunglasses, headphones... and the effect has radio buttons under it which can be hidden if one wishes.

    It's a great widget... just not working quite right.
    I guess it will just start working properly when they fix it.
    Thanks for letting them know.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Trying to Remove links in the 'All Effects Slideshow' widget.

    I asked someone from Xara to respond to this post. So check back.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default Re: Trying to Remove links in the 'All Effects Slideshow' widget.

    Hi we will add a job to provide a control within the widget to enable or disable links.

    in the mean time, you can achieve this adding some code to the head section of the web page in which you insert the widget.

    a) The following will remove the href attribute from all widgets

    - insert the widget within your document
    - select the page in which it is inserted and go to web properties > page tab > HTML Code (Head)
    - insert the following code

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $(window).load(function() {

    B) Targeting a specific widget

    we would either need to see the page in which the widget is inserted (please submit a support ticket providing the link and mentioning this post) or you will need to identify the widgets ID by evaluating it in the browser console.

    This can be done using Google Chrome ( or another browser)

    - configure and insert the widget into your document and then preview website causing the internal browser window to display
    - select to view the website preview in chrome from the internal browser window
    - right click on the widget and select 'inspect element'
    - this will cause the code for the selected item to display in the console.
    - its containing div will contain an id, it will be something like cycleBottomradio_v8_0
    - once the id is established then the specific widget can be targeted

    - go back to web designer/ Designer Pro
    - select the page in which it is inserted and go to web properties > page tab > HTML Code (Head)
    - insert the following code ( assuming in this example that the id is cycleBottomradio_v8_0)

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $(window).load(function() {
    $('#cycleBottomradio_v8_0').find('a').removeAttr(" href")

    Many thanks



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