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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney Hills District, Australia.

    Default WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite


    I have a website created in WD9P. Loading it into WD10P and publishing it as a conventional website works fine (in fact, better than it did in WD9 - the mobile versions are much cleaner!).

    Anyway, when I change the settings to Supersite, the menu system breaks down completely.

    On the Index page, I can select any menu item no problem. However, when that page appears, I can only select Home (back to the Index.htm)

    It appears only the first and second menu items work on any page, PLUS the menu item pointing to the page I'm on - all other menu items are not reacting. (Mouseover or clicking has no response).

    Reverting back to Conventional fixes everything again....

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite

    Hullo Ian,

    It's me again!

    I had a similar problem and I fixed it by going into the root file of my hosting client and deleting every single folder and file in there and republishing. I would recommend backing up everything.

    Even then my website didn't work straight away but after an hour or so it suddenly started working online as the website should.

    I am not an expert but it seemed to me that iPage, my hosting company, seemed to need a hour to publish the site correctly. Whether this was something to do with the file protocols and where elements are stored but as I said this is only a guess and all of the above may not work for you.

    There are many, many clever and more experienced people than me on this website who may have better suggestions but I can only post from my experience. A very similar thing happened with an WD9 website I published in WD10 and the above seemed to work for me.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite

    Ian - To clarify. Is this happening when you preview the site internally in WD or after you have uploaded your site to the server?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney Hills District, Australia.

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite

    This happens in both. It's a strange bug that was immediately resolved by returning to a Conventional site.

    I have come to realise that Supersite is not suitable for established sites with lots of pages (like mine - 30+ pages). They take too long to load, and you lose your original pages thus destroying years of SEO efforts!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Crystal Lake, IL

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite

    Yep, I had a similar problem. I had three variant sizes and the menu somehow lost its links during the web export phase. had to check each page (20 in main) and I found only one item has lost its link, it was bad only on 2 of the 18 pages. Fixed the link and all was well. As far as publishing. Yes, I had to delete all of the old files on my host (1&1) in order to get it to work. Only had to do this once, probably not a bad practice for a site that hasn't had any ftp activity for quite a while.

  6. #6

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite

    I had a similar problem with the following website http://www.museum.tv

    See the five news feed boxes at the bottom? Well once I created the supersite, everything was fine, except those five boxes no longer "moved" or rotated.

    What can I do?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite


    Please submit a support request with a link to your .web file so we can retrieve the files and track this down.

    Many thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney Hills District, Australia.

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite

    Hi bb2,

    I have sent you my website .web file under ticket number DDS-148820.

    Best regards,


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite

    Thanks Ian, we have replied to your ticket.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney Hills District, Australia.

    Default Re: WD10 - Menu problems in Supersite

    I think I have found the problem!

    The way MouseOver works for menu group objects has changed for WD10.

    In WD9, the menu group was hidden, only being visible when MouseOver'ed.

    In WD10, the same menu group remains hidden EVEN WHEN MouseOver'ed!

    The 'fix' is to go and make all the MouseOver groups visible (click and remove the Red Eye!).

    Now the menus work IN SOME CASES - not all! I then found that I had to go into each page, select the menu group, right-click, Arrange->Bring to Front to get the menu to work - even though it is visible on the page!

    Worse, in Preview, the browser now seems to get mixed up and displays BOTH Main and Mobile pages simultaneously! (Seems ok when published to the site though...)

    Back to to the drawing board, Xara!
    Last edited by iannicholson; 08 May 2014 at 04:15 AM.



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