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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Existing links in HTML file won't import into WD9

    Hi a Newbie here,

    I am new to using a web designing software to create pages; I have been writing code from scratch as in forever and pages are getting more complex I thought I gave WD9 a try as I am also a big fan of other products from Magix.

    As a first project for learing the in & out of WD9, I tried to import an existing HTML file which has hundreds of links associated with the texts; basically my own custom favorite bookmarks. Though eveything look fine in both WD9 and as HTML export however none of the underlying links/codes made it into these files.

    I have search the Forum in the last few days and found a post stating that the links or other underlying codes do not import into WDx and that only the text and layout are imported. I am so suprise about this , is this correct and would this also be true for other web design software as well?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Existing links in HTML file won't import into WD9

    Bo, this will probably be a disappointment but Xara products are not HTML editors like DreamWeaver or CoffeeCup.
    They allow you to manipulate graphics and text and treat these as vector objects, to which you can add additional attributes such as hyperlinks. The mechanism to do this for an object, collection of objects or even a part of a text phrase does not allow the import of text and its hyperlink.

    you can embed an existing HTML page as an IFRAME using the Embed a website widget.




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