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  1. #11

    Default Re: How to change text color in Xara Web Designer (Premium) 9

    Quote Originally Posted by phillipgarding View Post
    I didn't know the history of the app; that's helpful. I fully expected (and continue to expect) to do some learning when starting with a new program. Overall, I've been pretty happy with the app. This was one case, though, of a feature that seemed fundamental but I couldn't find. The real failing for Xara here is that the help file doesn't say anything about how to change color. I have noticed that the help file tends to be a description of their UI without treating scenarios. There is a whole chapter on Text Handling, but there is nothing in there at all about text color because it isn't on their text toolbar. I tried dragging colors from the color bar and dropping on text (as the tip of the day suggested for objects), and that didn't work at all...

    Thanks again!
    Aside from the fact that most all drawing applications do not bear any resemblance to a word processor—which is about the only application I can think of that does have a color function on the main tool bar in the text properties area—it would be really difficult to miss the color bar at the bottom of an Xara application's window...

    BTW, the first hit in the help file (for XDP anyway), if one searches for the phrase "change color," is for an entire explanation of the color bar, its various parts and how to use them. A couple hits further down is specifically on the color editor. And, of course, there are links to the color editor in that first hit.

    As for dragging and dropping color onto text, that's one way and I have zero idea why it is not evidently working for you. As you drag a color to a non-selected object, you should see a change in the cursor once you are actually over the object. But with a selected object, you can just left click on a color as well. And if the colors in the color line are not appropriate (I make up my own color lines and save them in my templates), ctrl + e will bring up the color editor. As will clicking on the multi-colored icon to the left of the color line.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: How to change text color in Xara Web Designer (Premium) 9

    what mike says about the 'colour change' in the help brings me back to what I was saying about text being a vector object - text is not specifically mentioned, but from a vector design point as I said earlier, text is just another vector object - same with the help movies as I recall

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    StPeters, MO USA

    Default Re: How to change text color in Xara Web Designer (Premium) 9

    This may seem silly but silly things happen sometimes.
    I assume you have actually selected the text first before trying to change it's color. If not then select the text first then try bu clicking on the color bar or using the color editor and pay attention at the top of the color editor to what it is set to change, line, or fill. Left click for the fill and right click for the line.

    EDIT: For instance someone brought a lamp to my father-in-law to fix because it had stopped working. It turned out that the bulb and burned out.
    Larry a.k.a wizard509

    Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: How to change text color in Xara Web Designer (Premium) 9

    I would swear that I used all the right words, in the right order, to explain what to do at Posts #2 & #3.
    There has to be an assumption that when one says "select" then the object is selected and the program interface changes to show that selection.
    If the object is locked, it cannot be selected and all bets are off.

    If my explanations are being too terse or wrong, I would appreciate a nod.




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