In Corel Xara I used the Create Bitmap all the time to paste transparent objects into Painter 6 and loved the results. It meant I didn't have to save to a transparent gif file 1st.

In Corel Xara I got nice clean bitmaps, especially if I used a similar colored background. In Xara X (download date Dec 4) the results are terrible, PLUS it is extremely harder to figure out. I tried every option available still get terrible results.

Sorry the image it hard to see, I was trying to keep the file size down. The top image on the red background is done in XaraX the text was on a white background. The bottom image was done in Corel Xara again the text was on a white background.

[This message was edited by Judi A on January 04, 2001 at 05:13 PM.]