What a good year for tuts 2014 is looking like! Not to say 2013 isn't/wasn't...But I really like this "topic" list above.

This is how I look at this subject. Before I draw that ball (or Christmas ornament), illustration/chart or what have you, I have to have concepts of where they are going, how is it going to meld with the other elements on the page, how will the page be structured, etc. No sense in drawing an ubber complex chart if I am only going to have 1 or 2 column inches to display the info.

Anyway, looking forward to it.

I got carried away on the word "grid" and applied it to a peeve I have. I did just discover what I thought was a bug only appears to apply to RTF pasted text. I'll have to investigate before I call bug again...

Back to worky.
