Most all of the Patterns, (in the many pattern libraries) in Painter, are tileable, and can be used as background fills in artwork, or webpage backgrounds.
For instant webpage backgrounds, go to Art Materials/Patterns and pick a pattern. Then choose Check Out Pattern. (This is found by clicking the word Pattern in Painter5, or the down triangle to the right of Pattern in Painter6). Save As .gif or .jpg to drop in your web page.
If the Pattern is too large or small for you, move the Scale slider at the bottom of Pattern(s), and hit Check Out Pattern again.
To create your own seamless patterns, open up a File/New canvas of say 150 x 150. In the same drop down menu as above, pick Define Pattern, then pick a brush and start painting till you have something you like. Notice how your brush will wrap around to the other side of the canvas if you go over the edges.
Now, just to check things out, pick the Grabber (hand) in the Tools pallete, and holding the Shift key down, click and drag in your image.
Although it takes time and doesn't always look so great, you can load an image that IS NOT seamless, Define Pattern, Shift drag with the Grabber, and smear, smudge, distort, blend the seams by hand.
My personal favorites for web backgrounds are the subtle use of Papers. For a tutorial on this check out Making Paper textured Backgrounds by Denise Laurent
Have fun, [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]
[This message was edited by BR on September 17, 2000 at 02:33 PM.]