Hi Folks,
Lets talk about “Good News” first. The news from Chris D. is indeed good news. There seems to be a small core of us that have been sticking it out and contributing to this forum. I am sure that the other groups also have their core groups. I was concerned about loosing contact with some good people. I have stated before, I resist changing states in most things. I am glad to know we are going to be together for a while.
I have more good news, at least for me. After ten days of looking a blinking light on my desk I am happy to announce that my e-mail address is changed to gregmotto@home.com. The blinking light was a cable modem that didn’t work. This high-speed modem has given me Whiplash several times in the last two days. I downloaded a 19M patch/upgrade for Illustrator in less than 3 min.

Thank you for your kind words,regarding my work.In answer to your question of why I painted “End of Days”. The reason is that for some time I have been thinking about how very temporary we really are. We as a species, as a society, as individuals are at best transient. All of the Things we build in homage to our own ego’s can not and will not last forever. We would be in a terrible mess if they did. I guess that the picture is a reminder of our limited tenure in the Eyes of Time.

Thank you also, I appreciate the critique, your observations on what and how are right on. The pearls are a remnant of a lens flare but I didn't use Blade Pro on this just sort of tweeked until I got a texture I liked.

[This message was edited by Monastic Bat on November 30, 2000 at 06:26 AM.]