Hi there,

I have had a crash of a external drive with all of my XARA work with over 25GB of data, created with XARA Xtreme 4 and Webdesign 6! My brother was able to help and transfered all the data to a new external drive disk.

Yet all files are on the new drive but some of the files in XARA Xtreme 4 cannot be opened anymore - error message: "JPEG File contains unsupported Features"

Some Websites cannnot be opened anymore - error message: "A Read Error Occured (unknown) with the file:"

What to do now? The files are there on the new drive! I use Windows 7.....

I´ve packed one of the corrupt Website into a rar file - maybe you are able to find out what happend with it and why I cannot open it anymore:
www.martyandthebadpunch.com/mbp_index.rar (68MB)

and heres a Xara Xtreme4 file that does not work:
www.martyandthebadpunch.com/MartyBadPunch.rar (50MB)

many thanks in advance for help - cheers from Munich, Germany
