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  1. #1

    Default New text features, whats next?

    I have to admit to being impressed with the way the new text features in X9 and XPLD9 are developing, illustrated well in the release notes.
    However, building on that, top of my list for the next development would be the facility to be able to adjust automatic page numbering to restart at 1. Many books start with an initial section in Roman numerals, followed by the rest in Arabic numerals, restarting with 1
    Close behind that would be automatic contents generation, linked to custom styles such as a chapter style or illustration style.
    Oh, yes, and I wonder if the text info bar could be allowed to drop down on request to take up two lines of features?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    +1 on restarting page numbering.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    Never too soon to start planning for the next release.

    Support for Glyphs. The ability to hang punctuation outside the right margin. Master pages. Automatic hyphenation, but only if there is some control for how often it is used, widow and orphan support, column justification, to name a few.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Noo Yawk

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    +1 to all of these.

    -- Ben
    Ben Morgan: ad1066 AT gmail thingy
    Chapter 13 Press: www.chapter13press.com
    Burn After Reading: www.burnafterreadingpress.com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    +1 to all of these and for columns the ability to set the column width instead of the gap width. And the ability to set column widths and spacing (gaps) independently perhaps as a feature that could be toggled on and off. If you could have auto width where one automatically sets the other and toggling it off could allow you to set each individually.
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Holland Patent, NY, USA

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    Well, there go any vector tool improvements.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    Steven, I can sort of understand the desires for enhancing the whole new...whatever it is called. I mean, in the past few versions, we got the shape builder and eraser. Which do work fairly well. In general, people may just be burned out on rehashing all the wanted vector stuff for naught. Why bother?

    So hoping xara actually makes the new text stuff usable enough to compete with a half-done word processor is all there is left.


  8. #8

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    Quote Originally Posted by angelize View Post
    +1 to all of these and for columns the ability to set the column width instead of the gap width. And the ability to set column widths and spacing (gaps) independently perhaps as a feature that could be toggled on and off. If you could have auto width where one automatically sets the other and toggling it off could allow you to set each individually.
    Frances, what is the burning reason you'd want to set the columns by column width?

  9. #9

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Never too soon to start planning for the next release.

    Support for Glyphs. The ability to hang punctuation outside the right margin. Master pages. Automatic hyphenation, but only if there is some control for how often it is used, widow and orphan support, column justification, to name a few.
    Hi Gary, and others responding to this thread,
    By way of explanation, the reason I started this thread was to find out just where people's priorities lie, given that there will be limited effort available at Xara in any one area. Presumably items listed are your highest individual text priorities to be worked on next.
    Gary, what do you intend by column justification?

  10. #10

    Default Re: New text features, whats next?

    Quote Originally Posted by StevenWWinters View Post
    Well, there go any vector tool improvements.
    Given Xara's strategy of working in all areas, the question here is, in the area of text development, given that effort will necessarily be limited, what should be the next priority? No intention of suggesting it should have priority over other areas such as graphics. That's a topic for a separate thread.




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