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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Problem publishing my site.

    Building with WD7P for a while now, built 2 sites, working on a third and had most of the pages up and working like I wanted them. 4 days ago I go to publish and I get a Timed out error. I try again, same thing. I have this site going live in just a few days and really need to get this working as none of the pages load properly, even after I tried manually publishing with Filezilla's FTP. I can load the saved files from my folders on my local drive to the Public HTML folder on my Host Server (HostGator).
    I have tried the trace log to XARA, going through Filezilla, and changing all settings in the Publish files, one at a time to see if I can gain access to my host server through XARA- with no luck.
    Host Gator states that they see the files I DL'd from filezilla, but they are not loading in the web site properly. I have placeholders, but no photos. The text is fine, I just cant get the photos to display at all.

    SIte- http://ballooncalc.com

    I have tried optimizing photos, changing to jpegs, then to pngs, then automatic, no luck
    Any help will be appreciated.
    I am about to delete WD7P to reload but I need to know how to do it without losing the save data unless someone can come up with a save!

    Super K

  2. #2

    Default Re: Problem publishing my site.

    Some images have not been uploaded
    And others.

    You should be able to see those if they exist, but they don't hence the 404 message.

    If HG say they see them on their server, they are either looking in the wrong place or they are telling porkies..
    Try uploading again with FZ.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Problem publishing my site.

    THaksI have found a temporary work around- I am using a third party FTP client to upload until I can find the time to work this out. The site is up and active, almost ready for next weeks go-live event. I had to delete the site from my webhost first, then reload and build the site from scratch. Didn't take too long, as XARA di hold the modified files on my local drive properly, it just wouldn't upload through XARA.
    Once I find the time I will be tracking down a fix!

    THank for the help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Problem publishing my site.

    See Xaras FTP troubleshooter if you're having trouble publishing your website from within Web Designer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Problem publishing my site.

    Super K, can I make a suggestion?

    Where you have a striped band running at along the top, you have images over the band with a thin black outline acting as a frame.

    Sometimes the content inside the frame doesn't fill it, or the alpha allows it to show through, so you see the band behind inside the frame.

    It might be an idea to put a white rectangle inside the frame ( or white rectangle with black outline ) with the image over that so that the band doesn't show through.

    Just an idea.

    If it's a design feature, just forget my comment.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Problem publishing my site.

    Thank you both Pete an Pauland, I have gone through the troubleshooter, sent logs and did each step of the suggested XARA list. No help. I might tend to agree Pauland, however, the site was both working and loading all updates normally just as the background images you see there- And ithe black band is a desgn feature from Design Central- I changed the color but months ago.
    I finally have the Host site repaired enough to be able to upload through a third party FTP site then my email went down,. I know have that fixed, but as we are going live in just 8 days, I do not have the time to do a proper tracking for the logs and troubleshooters at XARA just yet. I do want to thank you all for extending a helping hand! I love that about this product and this forum- Great people make the problem easier to bear.

    I will be looking hard in a few weeks for the solution so I can go back to uploading through XARA!
    Super K



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