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  1. #1

    Default Designer Pro X9 (64 bit) "Export Document as Web Site" Error

    When I click the HTML ("Export Document as Web Site") button or pick the "Export Website" option from the File menu, I get an error dialog box that says "Unable to find the filter to import that file with."

    It works as usual with the 32 bit version.

    Is it a problem with my installation or is it a 32 bit/64 bit limitation as with live effects filters?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Designer Pro X9 (64 bit) "Export Document as Web Site" Error

  3. #3

    Default Re: Designer Pro X9 (64 bit) "Export Document as Web Site" Error

    Thanks! That (Running it as administrator) fixed it. I think I had done it with the 32-bit version for some other reason soon after I installed the program, but not w/ the 64-bit version.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Minnesota, U.S.A.

    Default Re: Designer Pro X9 (64 bit) "Export Document as Web Site" Error

    Remember when a new version of Xara was released how all the chatter on TalkGraphics was about the cool new features. Haven't seen that much in the last few years. To bad. I miss those days.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Designer Pro X9 (64 bit) "Export Document as Web Site" Error

    zee - I think it is a mistake to always look for and/or expect new features.

    I would be much much happier if some features that have been around for a long time were revisited and brought up to date. Bitmap Trace for example. Fills, Brushes. Mold Tool Envelopes.

    There are so many features that really could use some attention.

    Addressing these issues would make me a lot more excited than some very showy new features which I will use once and then forget about.

    Just my dos centavos.




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