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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default PDFs downloading erratically from published website

    PDFs download erraticaly from published website

    I first used Web Designer 9 premium 2 months ago. After the most recent WD9P update I had problems opening PDFs on my website.

    Typically I have a page with several buttons linked to a web address which is a folder with PDFs. I can open any PDF on that page. But if I then try to view a second PDF file by clicking a similar link, the download does not take place. I have to leave the website and re-enter it. Then the link that did not work the first time does work, but any other link, including the one that had worked previously, no longer works. In order to view another PDF from my website, I must exit the website, re-enter and then click on it directly.

    I apologize if this doesn't make much sense. You can try it your self at http://www.mindsupplies.com/tagx2.

    I would appreciate any advice. If you exit the website and re-enter each time between viewings, you can see that all the pdfs are where they are supposed to be. But if you try to view one pdf, which opens in a separate window, and then close it, you can not click on a link to a second pdf without the browser (internet explorer 9) stalling.

    This did not happen until I accepted the most recent upgrade from the Xara website.

    Best wishes,
    Douglas Dailey
    Near San Francisco CA

  2. #2

    Default Re: PDFs downloading erratically from published website

    I looked at your website and pressed all buttons which link to your PDF files located in your http://www.mindsupplies.com/docs folder, all downloaded quickly.
    For example;

    As you are only linking to these files which already exist on your site in a location not touched by Xara Designer and as Xara Designer is not actually publishing (uploading) these PDF files, there is no evidence that Xara Designer or a recent upgrade is connected in any way to the issues you are having.
    As mentioned, the files download quickly here.

    I would suggest shutting down all open programs and restarting your computer then try again with each browser you have installed on your computer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: PDFs downloading erratically from published website

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    I tried this in Firefox and IE 10 with no problems. The PDF files opened in new tabs but I was able to return to the home page via the tab and open another and another without problems.

    Unless of course I am missing something which is always a possibility for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: PDFs downloading erratically from published website

    Thank you very much. I went to the library and logged on and confirmed that they load correctly with Chrome. I am relieved to know that for now it is a local problem on my home computer. Best wishes to all. DD.



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