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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    yes I tend to increment as well - so after a while I save 'file-date.xar' as say, 'file-A-date.xar' and so on - I have been doing [though not with xara] since the days of widows 3.1 - it would be good if Xara allowed us automatic incremental saving, it has been mentioned on Dear Xara I know

    Backing up to another hard drive is a good point also 'data you only have one copy of is data you don't care about' as they say
    Nothing lasts forever...

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Help! Xara Designer Pro - cant open! (Not even after a full re-install and PC reb

    I don't use the backup options in the Options palette. Instead, I turn on backups in XaReg, which essentially creates incremental iterations. Because I save frequently, the number of iterations/*.bak files is large, so every so often I drag them into a 'bak' subfolder under the current workfolder. When I'm pretty sure I'm done with the project, I dump some or most of the bak files. Sounds like a hassle, but it's proven to be invaluable on multiple occasions.



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