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  1. #1

    Default Another anchor in 9 premium quirk?

    Perhaps I am a quirk magnet but I wonder if anyone else has encountered this and what can be done. I have text that is linked to an anchor (a blue bar). Object is named. It was working fine until I decided I need more blue as buffer but did not want to change the relative position (upper left corner) of my blue bar when the text link was clicked so I created a second blue bar to buffer the space.

    I copied the blue bar and did a paste in place in current layer so both bars are now located in the same layer. I moved the position of the new bar to where I want it. I made sure the new copied blue bar did not have a name associated with it. I did a quick preview page clicked the link the blue bar I crated via copy command is the object that is being used as the anchor even though this object has no name and the original blue bar still has the name attached and should be the anchor for the linked text.

    To get rid of this I tried to move the new bar to a separate layer (did not work) then I just deleted it. Preview shows new bar still there
    Next I did a save close and reopen. Preview shows new bar still there.

    How do I get rid of an object that is not really there?

    EDIT>>>> I found the object in the mouse off layer that was off but that still does not explain why the anchor link goes to that object when the object has no name.

    Last edited by LIU; 04 June 2013 at 03:57 PM. Reason: Error in post

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Another anchor in 9 premium quirk?

    Diana, it might just be a simple case of refreshing your browser: Ctrl-F5.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Another anchor in 9 premium quirk?

    Not sure if the that works in preview mode but I tried it and tried different browsers same result. I had to delete the copy and just make a fresh blue bar and it works.




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