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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Unhappy Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    Hi all,

    I am doing some pretty cool stuff with Xara and jquery, and it's amazing how close Xara comes to being the *ideal* tool for dynamic website development.

    One of the issues I'm having is that I'd like to group some items...but as soon as I do that, Xara bakes the group into a PNG file, and all my links, HTML placeholders, etc. go away. :-( I'm building a registration form that stays hidden until the user clicks "register", and the form slides in from the side. I can do this with a popup layer, but I don't have quite enough control over it using Xara's built-in functionality.

    Seems logical and natural to me that Xara should treat (or have the option of treating) a group as simply a Div...so I can name it and manipulate it in jquery.

    Making it a soft group doesn't bake it into an image, but also doesn't put it into a div. And separate layers also have no effect on the output.

    Is there a way to get Xara to group things into a div?

    Thanks so much!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    John, soft group your form items. In XWD9P, Name them all htmlclass=register; this adds the Class "register" to each one.

    Use the Page Head and insert a small jQuery statement: jQuery('.register').wrapAll('<div class="registerWrapper" />');

    You can now use more jQuery to manipulate the register form as you choose.


    P.S. For other flavours of Xara, you can instead add a Name of "register" and use jQuery('#register').wrapAll('<div class="registerWrapper" />');

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image


    When you group objects, even a line of text, this forces Xara to export the object or group of objects as a bitmap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    John, soft group your form items. In XWD9P, Name them all htmlclass=register; this adds the Class "register" to each one.

    Use the Page Head and insert a small jQuery statement: jQuery('.register').wrapAll('<div class="registerWrapper" />');

    You can now use more jQuery to manipulate the register form as you choose.


    P.S. For other flavours of Xara, you can instead add a Name of "register" and use jQuery('#register').wrapAll('<div class="registerWrapper" />');
    Acorn, that is a brilliant response, and exactly what I needed...thank you SO much!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    Hi Acorn,

    So I'm having trouble getting this to work. I should say I'm using Xara Designer Pro X should be a superset of all Xara Web Designer functionality, correct?

    When I apply the same name to a bunch of items (either as a soft group or individually), they retain the name in Xara but in the exported code, only the first item in the group gets the name. (htmlclass=dlgSignUp gets ASCII-ized as id="htmlclass:61dlgSignUp:59"...using just a name still only generates one element with that name.)

    Any idea as to what I might be doing wrong?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    OK, so I downloaded the XWD9P demo, and Acorn's suggestion worked beautifully. The exported HTML looks MUCH improved over my "Pro X" version.

    So given that there is, at present, no "Pro XI" (Pro 9), would I be allowed to use XWD9P for free since I already own the flagship product which is supposed to be the superset of all product offerings? I would hope that the fine folks at Xara would not make me purchase a "lower end" product to get a usable web export?



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    You can use the free 30 day trial of WD9P, the next version of DP hasn't been released yet, but when it does it will have all of the same, improved HTML features as found in WD9P.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    Quote Originally Posted by PeteS View Post
    You can use the free 30 day trial of WD9P, the next version of DP hasn't been released yet, but when it does it will have all of the same, improved HTML features as found in WD9P.
    Awesome, thanks Pete...any idea when the next version of Pro X is set to be released?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    If he knows, he could tell you, but then he'd have to..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Princeton Junction, NJ, USA

    Default Re: Grouping Items as Div, not baking it as image

    Quote Originally Posted by jobie View Post
    OK, so I downloaded the XWD9P demo, and Acorn's suggestion worked beautifully. The exported HTML looks MUCH improved over my "Pro X" version.

    So given that there is, at present, no "Pro XI" (Pro 9), would I be allowed to use XWD9P for free since I already own the flagship product which is supposed to be the superset of all product offerings? I would hope that the fine folks at Xara would not make me purchase a "lower end" product to get a usable web export?


    Glad I tripped across this! I am about to tackle part of a web project that will involve embedding a form, collecting user input, posting to a PHP script that in turn calls a remote server, and finally feeds results back to a page with embedded javascript widgets (various chart / graph widgets) along with some formatted text.

    Just now starting to dig into the php side of it and have been examining various chart widgets, jquery-based packages and the like, and will likely run into what you've all been discussing in this thread. Timely subject for me. I'll probably hit the same kind of questions within a couple of days...

    (let me know if you guys have done anything along those lines with Xara WD or DP - thanks!)



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