Quote Originally Posted by Know1 View Post
Jonazen, no that unfortunately won't work. This is for people who have a license for one of the qualifying Adobe CS products. If you click on the 'Adobe product owned' dropdown menu you'll see what CS products qualify.

You don't seem to be able to upgrade your version at all.
You need Graphics Suite X4 or X5, or CorelDRAW® Premium Suite X5 to be able to upgrade to CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6.
Thanks... I wasn't holding my breath, and it definitely seemed a stretch to get a significant upgrade discount applied to such an old product!

Somewhere in my office, I think I actually have an old copy of Aldus Pagemaker -- must be from about 1987 or 88. I have a suspicion that this wouldn't qualify for any upgrades either!

I have vague memories of a sweet spot in the history of some of these products (pre-Xara). I think I just have started with the first version of CorelDraw and Paint for Windows, and upgraded faithfully each time new releases came out. I also used PhotoImpact pretty heavily, beginning with V3 in the late 90's, for a number of projects: not the right tool for precision graphics perhaps, but the included features made it incredibly easy for me to prepare and modify numerous graphics for business and website use over the years. Between CorelDraw, CorelPaint, PhotoImpact and PaintShopPro, we were able to tackle an enormous variety of projects. We kept upgrading these each year for a few key reasons:
- new features were added, explicitly, to each new version -- there was a genuine improvement in value with each version
- the tools generally had a pretty short and simple learning curve
- the annual outlay (avg time for an upgrade) was pretty small
- if a particular upgrade didn't make sense, I could skip it -- and still "catch up" with later versions down the road when it was more appropriate