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Thread: Bug in clipping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA


    This is not a new bug, but it still exists. When clipping multiple grouped objects small outlines do not always render correctly. Sometimes they will render on one side of a rectangle and not on the other even though they are part of the same outline.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA


    This is not a new bug, but it still exists. When clipping multiple grouped objects small outlines do not always render correctly. Sometimes they will render on one side of a rectangle and not on the other even though they are part of the same outline.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I think I might have seen this, but since xara can split a nats a__... Mostof the time it is becasue i have something a thousandth of a pixel off. When clipping along the edge, I try to keep everything right on the money.

    Decease the line width to really, really small .01 pt and zoom all the way in. You will see that your edges are overlapping, and not lined up. Xara can tell the difference...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Dallas, TX USA


    No it's not anything to do with that. It really is a bug and I'm uploading the thing now. I tell you also, I am seeing so many bugs with this version, I can't believe they are releasing it now. One of the biggest errors I keep seeing is the status bar text dissapears and no matter what I select. It shows nothing.

    Look at this file I am including. Do you see the vertical bars that are clipped. Some of them don't show the outline on the right side but when you unclip them they do show.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA


    And why is it that when you click on a file name in the file requester (click and hold) when opening a xara doc the mouse cursor turns into a mag. glass for try just going through the requester and click once on each filename and you will see. No other windows programs do that. I mean honestly, I don't care but it seems like it's not suppose to happen.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000


    Maybe I'm missing something, but I see the outlines on both sides with and without ClipView. Also, I've never seen the disappearing status bar text.

    As for the magnifying glass, by "file requester" do you mean the Open File dialog? If so, I can't replicate what you're seeing.

    Have you updated your video drivers lately? Wonder if that has anything to do with it.

  7. #7


    I'm sorry SG but unless a bug report is clear and unambiguous there's not a lot we can do to help. For instance what is a 'file requester'? This is not standard Windows terminology I'm familiar with. If you are referring to the Windows File Explorer then it still doesn't help because you don't really describe or illustrate the problem in a fashion that is reproducible. I don't see an magnifier, and to be honest if the cursor changes to a magnifier temporarily, is this a serious problem anyway? Your implication that we do not release the software because of 'bugs' of this nature is a view few people would agree with I suspect.

    However I finally worked out what you are describing for the 'clipping' error. Again it would help if you used the correct terminology - 'clipview' in our case. Clipping can mean very many different things to different people.

    Anyway the shapes in question have a 0pt outline. This is a very special Postscript value that should not be used in normal day-to-day work. If you do not want an outline set it to 'none'. If you want it to be one pixel, which is what I think you're trying to do here, then set the line width to 1 pixel and it will work correctly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Dallas, TX USA


    Sorry for being ambiguous, and a file requester is a very old term that came from the Amiga but it's any window that pops up and allows you to load files. And secondly, I am one of your biggest fans or Xara anyway, and of the 100% of raving that I've done about Xara 99.9% is all good. Just look back through my posts if you don't believe me however, and I mentioned in my post that it probably wasn't important. Anyway there was nothing negative about Xara in what I said. I.M.O. This is an opinion forum and all I was stating was that I think that it seems that the real beta testers did a poor job if one week after it comes out there are a lot of bugs being found. Of course I am not a beta tester so don't get mad at me for not using the correct terminology. If you were paying me to beta test this then you could bitch at me for not using the correct terminology.

    I believe the clipping error is a bug however and the 1 pixel line may have something to do with postcript but from what I recall it was also due to the request by a lot of web designers that like to use non-antialiased lines in there work when doing images for the web so in my opinion it has much more application for latter, and it only happens in clipview so maybe it is a bug. So what your telling me is that don't use one pixel lines even if you need a non-antialiased line and it won't happen. That's like calling a bug a feature. Yeah, makes sense to me.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA


    Hi SG,

    You mentioned that your cursor momentarily changes to a mag. glass when you click on a filename in the Open File dialog. Are you using custom cursors? When I click on filenames in the Open File dialog, my cursor briefly changes to the standard windows hour glass cursor, indicating the program is reading the file for the preview. If you are seeing another cursor, this could indicate your cursor caché may be corrupt, or you have selected another cursor to indicate you should wait.

    Have you noticed if this occurs when you have a specific other program open and using XaraX. Some programs will load their own cursors and can cause other running programs to misread the cursor that should be displayed.

    I've looked at the file you attached and cannot duplicate the problem you mentioned about the outlines not showing. I've removed clip view and re-applied it several times to see if the problem would manifest itself.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2000



    Hmmm, I don't see a problem with your file either... (but maybe I'm not getting the problem... http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif) Nice design by the way! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

    Also, your comment - "...that I think that it seems that the real beta testers did a poor job..."
    --- Xara Ltd. is a relatively small company, and I'm sure the don't have the resources to hire people to find every single bug for them. I'm pretty sure all beta testers were volunteers like me.

    Xara X(X1) is a very open ended application in that it enables you to use and "abuse" it in many more ways than others. Especially, but not limited to brushes. For starters, try that "simple" (for Xara X) clip-view of yours in Illustrator... http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

    As a Beta tester I just used the different beta releases the way I would have used a normal release, except when something didn't work the way I thought it should. Did I do a "poor" job? No, I don't think so, the customers were happy with the jobs I did... and I was able to feed my kids - and Xara hopefully gained something from my input in the process.

    Finding everything that you can do by combining the features available in Xara X would be very difficult. Let's be realistic here, for all the amazing things you can do only in Xara X, I think it's pretty darn stable. I'm sure they will be able to fix any inconvinences we can find in the future.




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