
Gotcha..... I suspected as much and that's ok. I'm going to upload the page to my host soon (if I ever get done <grin>) and see if it will load the comment php I'm trying to use, as Xara places it in the page.... which is at the bottom just before the closing /body tag. And this may work now that I read xtom's reply. If not, I'll just manually add it just before uploading.

NOTE: Oh... and as I'm sure you've realized by now, I'm no professional web designer, although I have been a hobbyist since WWW was developed way back when. I appreciate ALL you guys-n-gals help and patience sincerely!!!! ;'] Now.... if you ever need consultation on home construction or remodeling.... please indulge me. lol

xtom: Great suggestion... and I'll definitely do my research. And.... your "calling it at the bottom of your body code after everything has loaded" suggestion is exactly what Xara is doing for me right now... so who knows... it may just work as-is. (haven't uploaded it to my host server yet to test)

Than you again everyone.... you all have been so very helpful and patient!!!!!!