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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Reviews page made by my

    (google translator)

    Hi: Tomorrow I present my last page and I come very well tips, reviews ...

    I wish you would tell me if the images load fine, if it takes a long, if it fails in any browser version (7-8/firefox explorer, etc), etc ...

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    I pretty much hate the subject matter and rather hope the site takes forever to load.

    To be promoting hunting, particularly of endangered species, is obscene.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
    I pretty much hate the subject matter and rather hope the site takes forever to load.

    To be promoting hunting, particularly of endangered species, is obscene.
    (google traslator)

    hate the game .... and I have had serious problems of conscience for accepting this client .... But two things:
    -. Not my place to judge others (not least because I'm addicted to "the burgers)
    2. - The animals are really endangered are those who end up on our tables ...
    3 ... this was a debate about aesthetics and techniques.

    Have a nice day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    Very creative website. I agree with Paul. I do not like killing animals for sport. But, I understand, you are just the designer.

    The navigation bar does not work except for Cazateca. Select the Navigation Bar, bring the Navigation Bar to the front (Ctrl + F).

    The images that fill the pages take a long time to load (on high speed cable). Add more compression to the JPEG and this will help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    No aesthetics can overrule the subject matter..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    Your home page is very bright, amazing image to behold.

    The mouse over effect you have created with the map must have taken a lot of work and is good, it could be further improved by shortening its length and replicating the shadow effect over the plains in the background image for all of the map rather than just N. and S. America.

    As noted by Gary, Cazateca on the menu bar does nothing and it should, the images are too slow to load and will benefit from further optimisation.

    I have one last suggestion that may help the flow and feel of your site, if i may offer it.....
    Rather than have a change of background image on every page (which makes the entire site feel a bit like a slide show) why not use the home page image for all pages but with a transparency. This will add some continuity to the site and stop the eyes darting around your pages and allow users to read its content. If you need to show these images why not do so in a Gallery or alternatively have them as backdrops to the destination pages only.

    Lastly I would pay a litttle more attention to the space around your 'on page' photographs and split your videos into more than one page for a better user experience.

    Looks best on Chrome 24 for me, with FF18, IE10, Safari 5, Opera 12.14 all looking fine.
    "Your never too old to Rock and Roll" ......
    ~Ronald Belford Scott 1946-1980

  7. #7

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    I'm attempting to do something similar with my site and I'm finding that it is quite difficult to optimize for speed. It is so easy to create drop shadows and just the right "look" in Xara but when it exports out it doesn't seem to bake things down to their most optimal form without you having to go into other applications like Photoshop and do it by hand. :-( I'm still getting the hang of things but as I click around on your site I can see that I am not the only one struggling with this.

    I'm actually very excited about the popularity of hunting and it's effect on endangered species. The more popular the sport, the more game reserve owners invest in their breeding and habitat restoration efforts. These animals lead a full healthy protected life with a chance to re-produce before being killed. That is a far better life than our cattle who never see the sun, eat stomach churning GMO corn all day and are slaughtered before they have a chance to experience anything. :-(

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    The more popular the sport, the more game reserve owners invest in their breeding and habitat restoration efforts.

    Sure. "Go take this gun, you can travel between these area, that's where XXX will be and you can kill a living animal for your own pleasure". Very sporty and challenging.

    It says a lot about us if we find that activity pleasurable recreation. We should be able to save these species without killing them. I'll never understand how anyone can find killing an animal pleasurable or recreational.

    That is a far better life than our cattle who never see the sun, eat stomach churning GMO corn all day and are slaughtered before they have a chance to experience anything.

    That's true, but it's not an excuse for killing animals for pleasure, nor is it the only way that cattle are farmed. There are plenty of pressure groups around working to put an end to that kind of thing and I agree it too should be outlawed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    First, thanks for your answers (what wondering)

    About the rest, I repeat: I do not like, NOTHING, hunting ....

    But I make a lot more bad conscience the "dirty tricks" that we do to the animals ... "food" ... that the "bad sports habit" of other

    Thanks again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: Reviews page made by my

    I have to echo what the others have said, we have a policy of not doing sites which go against our beliefs and it is in our terms and conditions. But I understand that work is work, it really is a personal thing.

    As for the site please listen to the advice the other posters have given you, optimise the background jpegs, you would be surprised how low you can take the file size for background pics. Change the yelllow text to white, it is so much easier to read. Also on some of the pages the text under the pdf icon overlaps the blue rectangle. Think about line spacing for the text and look at the placement of all elements so that they are consistent throughout the site. I could go on further but I will be honest and say that the sites subject matter is not for me and I would prefer not to trawl through the site.
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