Bolt Action , I have to say that I have used plenty of software for designing graphics and web design. XARA is the easiest and has the best flow. it would really be a shame to see you waste money on other programs. try the trials first. They will prove that your instincts served you well during your purchase of Xara. And this coming from a Graphic/web designer whom actually does coding.

One of the beauties of Xara is that the image is not restricted to the document and you can place it anywhere on the page or on the side for later.
So it will look like its way off the page OR it covers the whole page because its a large image and you cant see the selectors to make the image smaller..That seems like a problem but its not.

MAYBE THIS WILL HELP:Look on the menu bar above and click the drop-down arrow next to the number with %. It will give you a choice of zooming out and in. zoom out by choosing 50% or smaller. You should be able to see the selectors after clicking the image. this means you selected it. hover the cursor over one of the corner selectors. Now click and hold it and drag the image inwards to itself. This will make the Image smaller. You will now be able to fit it on your document properly and drag it wherever you want it to be on the page.

Hope it helped.