I am very familiar with your situation. Although I was born and raised in the US, I read many messages in newsgroups, etc. about the market for "non-citizens" doing work remotely. Right now the biggest market is here in the US. So the question is: How do you get work here in the States?

As a non-graphically oriented individual (I'm graphically impaired! I hope this doesn't offend anyone if this is an actual handicap) I have used graphic designers before for projects I'm working on. I would suggest you find "programmers" and see if you could be their "outsource" for their graphic needs.

Many of us programmer types are more analytical than we are creative. We need people like you to help us finish projects. If we can outsource our graphical needs, keep the client happy and get everything finished on time and make a few bucks while doing it, GREAT!!!

I might suggest that you post on some of the project sites; elance.com, newmediary.com, ework.com, freelance.com and any of the others and ask for developers or programmers that need graphics help with their projects.

Also go to the newsgroups and post a question almost like a survey:

What source do developers/programmers use for their graphic design needs?

Do it myself.
In-house staff.
Leave it to the client.

See what type of response you get. Focus your marketing on the types of people who respond.

Anyway, this is just my opinion.

Hope this helps.