Now, I do want to add some thoughts to all this.

EPS is a dead (or dying) format. Why clients still request it or sites that sell vector art still want it is beyond me. But it is a current state of affairs. I still have the odd request for EPS format that I can usually educate the client out of. But it is difficult to tell a business No when their whole model of selling vector art revolves around that format. I happily am not in the position to sell vector art through such vendors.

It is a limiting format, not every Xara transparency type can make it through that export format. And conversely, not every EPS file does come into Xara intact. Zeb has a thread a few down in the Xara graphics chat forum (where this thread lives) where certain elements needed remade, "dumbed" down or whatever for some of these same issues:

So I am not advocating using the EPS format ad hoc, no caveats, etc. Initially this all was just to help someone facing the same/similar issues Zeb faced.

Take care, Mike