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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Question Copy Attributes does not work for ClipView Object Fills!!

    Hi guys,

    I created a so called "big-picture-button", which basically is a bordered rectangle with a picture in it (via clip-view) and with a text on top. On Mouse Over the text turns a different color. So th "big-picture-button" consitsts of 2 groups on Mouse-Off and Mouse-Over which are linked as a soft group.

    Lets say I want to duplicate this button in order to create a second one, BUT with a different picture. I would now switch off the mouse-over layer and drag-n-drop a my new picture of choice right onto the existing "old" picture of the duplicate. Xara does great in replacing the picture within the clip view ( I LOVE IT!!)... Within the clip with I now change the position and size of the "new" picture.

    NOW I would like to put the same "new" picture WITH THE SAME "new" Position and "new" Size onto the linked Mouse-Over Layer and THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM OCCURS: Within the mouse-off layer I select the clip-view object and hit COPY. Then I go to the Mouse-Over Layer, select the clip-view object (which now still contains the "old" picture) and select "paste attributes". AND NOTHING HAPPENS....

    I would like Xara to actually replace the "old" picture with the "new" one and the exact positions. I tried this in Xara Webdesigner 8 and Designer PRO 6.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks for your support

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Copy Attributes does not work for ClipView Object Fills!!

    I don't have XWD 8 but I imagine it to allow the following: drag-n-drop your new picture while holding the Ctrl button so that the pictures on both layers will change. In the Page & Layer Gallery select both pictures (while holding the Ctrl button) and adjust their position using the Fill tool.

    If the latter part doesn't work in this version, you can use this workaround: Remove the groups; lock the text on both layers; marquee select both pictures; using the Fill tool, resize and reposition both pictures; reapply the groups and softgroup. You may have to reset the link.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Copy Attributes does not work for ClipView Object Fills!!

    a picture is not an attribute so its not going to work on that level alone

    I don't have WD8 either but if what Boy has said dosn't work, if WD8 has the 'edit inside' feature and the 'paste replacing selection' feature you might get it to work with these but no guarantee

    [Designer pro 6 does not have these features as far as I recall]
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