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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default DIY CMS for dummies

    I read somewhere on the net one interesting advice which was primary written for the program which is similar to Xara Web Designer, that CMS could be added on a very simple way to any page on the site - To translate advice in a XWD language - First we should insert object on the place where dynamic content should be, than in a Placeholder of that object ( html body ) we should add iframe with a path to the html file which must be in a password protected subdirectory of our main site page ( that company which want to edit content can reach it without messing with your general folder of that site)

    And than everyone can simply edit content of that object in a Open Office writing or changing the text and than saving document as a html under the same name as it is written in a iframe of Placeholder of that object.

    That's a theory, and I must admit it sounds sem-reasonable

    Of course, I'm not a programmer, so could someone of you "Grandmasters of the Code" elaborate. Is this possible? Any limitations? Additional ideas? and of course how the hell I could add iframe with a path? ( ok stupid question, with a code of course, but as I say, I'm not a programmer. - I have some limited knowledge of CSS, but that's all.)

    Thanks in advance.. (and of course will be really thankful for any tutorial or "xar" / "web" example.)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: DIY CMS for dummies

    and of course, I presume that in iframe should be defined font and font size. em I right?

    second question, I presume that this could also works with pictures as long as they are at the same size and under the same name, or this can be variable with some additional code inside the iframe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: DIY CMS for dummies

    The biggest problem you will face here is the absolute positioning used by the export filter. This will not allow pages to dynamically extend within the browser.

    What you are proposing is not impossible but there will lots of ifs, buts and hair loss

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: DIY CMS for dummies

    Hm.. yes, but what if we limit user on specific number of symbols.
    eh.. looks like that at the moment there is no easy way to do that in XWD




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