Thank you Gary; with positive feedback like that coming from a guru I am very pleased (more like hyped).

With gsthunder's advice and a quick look at a link on blogs in the forums (that I just happened to spot by chance); I now have an idea of how to proceed with blogs. Once started and actual doing there will more than likely be many more questions. The earliest I can start on that project will be later this week or early next week.

Oh, before I forget. I actually found this information interesting:
I did a search for Trolling and was surprised actually on the history of it. Apparently Scientific American 1895-09-21 (The date posted just before is 1934) had an article about trolling motors. Not sure if that is a date as we would know it or a number for the magazine. Cited from Wikipedia - keyword 'trolling motor'.

keyword 'troll' from How stuff works. They have a good definition in the second paragraph which show the similarities of the common internet usage and fishing usage of the word troll.

Thank you all very much!