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  1. #1

    Default Is my site haunted?

    This one should get the grey matter stirred as it is driving me mad(of course the solution will be simple when you know how and why)

    Have a web site just finished www.whitbourneparishcouncil.org.uk. On the news page I have some buttons that click to activate slide on layers. You will note that the one for the shop has a mouse over rogue link to agendas. Now none of the buttons has any mouse over links. nor have any of the background pictures or background colour sheet. It now gets silly in that it only activates when a button(any button) is over a specific area(where the shop button is on the site) and doesn't react when the area is moused over without a button being present.It also works fine if I avoid that area of the page

    Any ideas what I am missing guys????Or is that page got a ghost in residence???


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Is my site haunted?

    Is it also doing it in preview ?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Is my site haunted?

    Not much we can do without your xara file, Ken.
    Could you attach it here please

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Is my site haunted?

    Did you copy and paste the buttons from another page? Sometimes this can stop the mouse over action from working.

    Have you selected the buttons and brought them to the front?

    Have you used the S icon to isolate the two states to make sure they in fact exist?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Is my site haunted?

    Drwyd. yes it does it in the review page which is where, when I was trying to track it down that I found out that it only applied when a button was placed over one particular area of the page


  6. #6

    Default Re: Is my site haunted?

    Gary yes I copied the basic button shape from another page. Don't understand what you mean by the "s" button.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Is my site haunted?

    Aha! what an idiot! ME not you guys. As usual in these matters the obvious is always overlooked. (is the TV plugged in madam?) Whilst looking for the S button and preparing to send the Xara file I went to the page to check it out again and thought what happens if I unhide the mouse over layer and lo and behold there was the little blighter which I promptly deleted.

    Thanks guys for allowing me to waste your time. Should have made sure the plug was in before reporting the TV broken


  8. #8

    Default Re: Is my site haunted?

    Quote Originally Posted by mentorman View Post
    Don't understand what you mean by the "s" button.
    'S' icon, not a button.
    It's shown in the layer gallery next to the hide and lock icons.
    'S' = Solo mode.

    What is Solo mode?

    Solo Mode
    If you click any of the icons in the column next to each layer, it will 'solo' this layer which means it hides everything else, except this layer. You can now work on this layer in isolation. Clicking the icon again will restore everything back to how it was before.

    You can also click and drag down the column of icons to quickly browse through the layers in isolation from everything else.

    To exit the Solo mode, click the button again.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Is my site haunted?

    Thanks Steve, I am sure that would have isolated the little devil before now. Just shows how when working in isolation such am easy thing can be overlooked and how invaluable sites such as this are even to people who have more than a modicum of experience with the programmes.

    Thanks again guys





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