I have not had that problem, but that doesn't help you much.
Have you registered the software with Corel?
Once you have done that, try downloading and installing the extras from the Corel website.

You could also email Corel UK and tell them you are not a happy person.

To place 2 images side by side:
Hit Ctrl+N for New Image> make it wide enough to hold both images, double the pixel size plus a bit extra should do it.
You can see the size of an image at the bottom right, click on the image to put the focus on it first :-)
Copy & Paste both images into the new image and use the Move Tool (M on your keyboard) to position them in place.
For greater accuracy and with the Move Tool still active, use the Arrow keys to tap-tap them into place.
When you are happy with the result you can either save the image as a .pspimage file, which means you can do more editing at a later stage without loss of quality, or Merge All and keep it as a .jpg file.

Hope this helps.
