Quote Originally Posted by Gare View Post
Hi Staggers——Gary

Great, the long reply I just typed you vanished into the ether. So here's a shorter version. Will sound abrupt but don't mean to, just a bit fed up!

the Alt+Code option is simply not an option to the client. They want the new stuff available on the keyboard in as few strokes as possible. THey will be used permanently and often. There's talk of marking the keys with the extra symbols if usable combinations can be found.

So, it looks as if I can't directly map things that aren't on the kb - either normal key or Shift+key, except if I replace stuff that's already there. The problem is that this is all in addition to everything on the existing keyboard.

So then, is it possible, once a font has been created, to have a program where new combinations can be created (e.g, Ctrl+Alt+Letter produces a squiggle)?

I'm going slightly mad.
