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  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Stoke on Trent , UK

    Default Re: Web Designer MX (v8) Just Launched

    still not sure wether to upgrade or not - like the above posts say £40 a year starts to mount up :-(
    Last edited by trukkerz; 29 March 2012 at 11:28 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Xara is affordable

    I disagree with those who think Xara products are starting to cost a lot or close to Adobe or Corel products.
    I started using Xara products when Xara X1 was the editor, it was some time in 2006. I now have:

    Menu Maker 1.1, Xara X¹, Xara X1 CD, Webster2, Xara Xtreme, Xara3D 6, Xara3D 6 CD, Xara3D 6 Download, Xara Xtreme Retail, Xara Web Designer (2 licenses), Xara Xtreme 4 e-version, Xara Web Designer 6 (2 licenses), Xara Web Designer 6 Backup-CD, Xara Web Designer 7 Premium, Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7, WD Template Pack 1, Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    This is just my list of Xara products I use. I also have Adobe products, Net Objects products, Corel Products and a few unknown products. When I shop, it is usually looking for a product that offers me the ability to do what I need and will integrate into what I am already using. Every one of those Xara products total together cost less than on full purchase of Adobe Master Collection.

    Look at Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite X5 $999, or Adobe Photoshop CS5 - Complete Product $450 and up. Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7 Pro $299 and is almost a suit in its self because you can do web design, illustration, posters, headers, swf presentations and so on. I used to work for a production company here in Florida and used to use Photo Shop, but when I retired Adobe was out of my price range in 2006. Being 40 and retired did not mean I was rich, it meant I found a turn of the century (1920) house for $15,000.00 and cut back on expenses. Xara was part of the way for me to keep being able to do what I like.

    Upgrading from Xara WD 6 to WD7 Premium for $69 was nothing like upgrading Adobe Dreamweaver. As I upgraded on March 19th Xara gave me WD MX Premium free. look at the difference in cost;
    Xara Wd MX (v.8) $49 Upgrade $29
    Xara WD MX (v.8) Premium $99 Upgrade $49 ($69 from older Xara WD)
    Adobe Dreamweaver $399 Upgrade $119

    Do they do the exact same things? No, but the discussion is about cost of each companies web development product. Xara's Premium product cost new for full retail less than the upgrade of Adobe Dreamweaver. Are times tough, sure they are. And even considering I am an American, I would prefer to keep my money in America helping Americans keep their jobs but I am also inclined to support friends in tough times, even if they are in the UK. They supply me with software that does what I need and its a fraction of the cost of competitors.

    I am not sure what others financial conditions are but I feel Xara products are priced fair, even very fair for the going market. That is coming from someone living in a fifteen thousand dollar house driving an eleven year old truck who has not worked steady sense 2002. Yes, I am 45 now and I retired in 2002. Retiring does not have to happen when someone gets to old to enjoy life and you do not have to be rich to help others. You have to be smart and be happy with what you need and not always chase after what everyone else wants. Xara is a part of that for our family and I was glad to support a company of people not asking $1,500.00 plus for their total product line. Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection $2,599.00 (not their total product line, but one collection of their products).

    Also to answer the topic of Xara expecting their customer base to support development of future products and upgrades, that is how it works. I also owned a business and everyone who owns a business knows it is the customer base that keeps the company going and funds the development of future products. If repeat customers did not not repeat (repeat being the key word there) every company would go out of business.

    Example: You buy a gallon of milk today and go back next week to the store and you buy another one at full price. You do not get a lesser price for coming back, and the other milk you purchased last week payed for the new gallon of milk you are getting today. That is how it works. The customer base supports future development. Hopefully new customers will become part of the base and pitch in, as I did in 2006.

    Saying you have $15 invested in their milk and thus you should get it for say a dollar is fuzzy math. Like the fuzzy math politicians use sometimes to reason a country can afford a peoples program and it becomes part of the straw that breaks the camels back. The new customer that comes along might pay $5 for his milk but he did not have the other gallons of milk over the weeks you had. The same hard work that went into the first gallon of milk went into the next one and the next.

    Xara X1 was built with hard work just like each successive one. Each one might be built off the core of the previous but it is still a new product. The auto industry, food industry and every other industry does the same thing and they do not offer upgrade discounts unless you trade in your old product. Xara lets you keep your older product and use it and use the new one too, also offering an upgrade discount.
    Last edited by pressnon3; 30 March 2012 at 06:46 AM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Stoke on Trent , UK

    Default Re: Xara is affordable

    Yes Pressnon3 you are right xara prices a very reasonable compared to other software - and the upgrade price is only reasonable if you can afford it and your personal curcumstances allow it - myself i am 55 and 18 months ago i had to finish work due to ill health and i now get roughly £60 a week so you can see that £40 would be a lump out of that .
    I have been looking for a cheaper solution and i have been looking at wysiwyg web builder which is only £28 and seems to have all that xara offers and an upgrade price of around £10 - BUT :: and its a big but - I LOVE XARA and i dont want to jump ship and find i have made a mistake . thats why i just need to think about it a little .

  4. #34

    Default Re: Xara is affordable

    Good post from pressnon3..!

    Another point, because there's a newer version out doesn't mean the one you are using now will stop working.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Georgia, USA

    Default Re: Xara is affordable

    I jump back and forth between my Xara web program and Pablo's Web Builder 8. While I do not find the upgrade pricing unfair for Xara I do find that WB8 costs less and offers a ton of built in extensions that make it run circles around WD MX (see screenshot.) I love and use both products depending on the functionality I need at the moment. While I understand and use placeholders, there should be more JS built in to WD so that getting useful items in could be easier and more intuitive to the end user. Compared to Adobe's pricing structure, WD is a bargain. I'm about to make the leap into Adobe CS6 and it is going to be expensive, even for just an upgrade from my current CS5.5.

    With all of that being said, I do think WD is worth every penny spent.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	WB8.jpg 
Views:	235 
Size:	35.0 KB 
ID:	88419

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Stoke on Trent , UK

    Default Re: Xara is affordable

    yes thats what i am thinking of doing - while still having the functionality and graphic capability of xara WD 7 i can purchase wysiwyg web builder to have best of both worlds at a £12 saving then i have all the extensions at my fingertips too - god why is everything sooo difficult these days . I think if xara could of added something similar to extensions it would be a far better all round product . :-) just my opinion .

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Web Designer MX (v8) Just Launched

    The same here. I upgraded to WD 7 premium. Before I use it they come up with WD MX. I paid upgrade for both. Had I known I would have waited and make only one upgrade. The price of an upgrade and the price of buying new is very close.
    I hope in the future they will give more incentive to existing customers.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Web Designer MX (v8) Just Launched

    And DP8 is scheduled to launch?????


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Web Designer MX (v8) Just Launched

    And DP8 is scheduled to launch?????
    If last year's cycle is any indicator, late spring would be my guess.

    pressnon3 - You are a software junkie. But I totally agree about the price. And if you are using the product in some sort of professional capacity, then you amortize the cost out over the course of a year and it's only pennies a day. (we used to tell our client's that)

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: Web Designer MX (v8) Just Launched

    I think if xara could of added something similar to extensions it would be a far better all round product . :-) just my opinion .
    Gotta agree with you there trukkerz
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