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  1. #1

    Default Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    Got a call from an Indian from India presumably, today. Apparently my computer is infected with malware and is sending out email or some such garbage. To prove his point he asked me to go into the start menu, click on the run command and type in assoc. When that came in he told me to scroll to the bottom of the list and read a number to me, told me that was my computer number, every computer has an individual number. Them back to run command and type in eventvwr. Double click on the application section to open it, click on type to put it in some sort of order, scroll to the bottom and sure enough I had two warnings and and a bunch of errors, most were computer hangup caused by xara crashing. Then he wanted me to go to a site called teamviewer.com, download their program so he can get into my computer to help me get rid of the infections. He is supposed to call back on Monday.

    So, if you would like more, google ".zfsentToTarget=CLSID" and there are plenty of articles on it. WATCH OUT, it is very easy to fall for if your not a computer expert. Remember, this is a call center from India and they are phoning you at your home, telling you your computer is sending out infected mail which starts to get you a bit panicy, then they claim to know it is coming from your machine by having you type in the cmd:assoc file and reading your computer number which they can see (Note, we all have the same number and they can not see you)

    Read up on it and beware. I mean, they phoned me. I'm basically a nobody so if they can phone me they can certainly phone you. I just read one or two articles very briefly but I have a feeling this is going international and it is going to get into big bucks and I believe the scam is evolving

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Maghull UK

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    Hi Frank Thanks for the heads-up. A similar thing - possibly the same people - to the "we are Microsoft affiliated and your computer is infected" phone scam that was doing the rounds internationally. They just go through the phone book. Lots of publicity for that so they've changed tack slightly perhaps. Common sense informs most of us but there are a lot of people who haven't a clue about their machines and connections and fall for it.

    BTW - I've used Teamviewer, don't think it's associated with the scammers they're just using it.
    JOHN -XaReg (FB) XaReg (DB - ignore prompt to register)
    Windows 10 [Anniversary] pro Intel Pentium CPU G630 @ 2.70Ghz RAM: 4 GB; 64-bit x64

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    This scam has been going for at least a couple of years now.

    They used to regularly phone me but ever since I told them I was a programmer, and I knew exactly what was on my machine, they're stopped.

    The bottom line is this: If a cold caller (someone you don't know personally) asks you to do anything to your computer, DON'T DO IT - EVER. Put the phone down.

    If the call gets you worried about your machine, make sure your anti-malware software is up to date and run a full scan.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    I have also been called by these people. The clue is "how do these people know what's going on in my computer?". The answer is - they don't. They just want to get access to your computer and any secrets it holds!

    Always be careful with telephone callers - don't just give your details out to anyone who asks for them - you have no idea who they are.

    I am regularly called by various scammers - besides this computer scam, be very wary of surveys or questions of any kind, or people wanting to reset your online banking or confirm the password.

    Be safe. Thanks for the reminder about this Frank, but do be very much more careful in general.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    Yep it pays to be suspicious about anything like this (ie unsolicited contact). I deal with a fair amount of spam issues (referrer, email, blog comments etc) everyday, so you get to recognising unlegit stuff or scams and so on pretty quick; but even so there are always some that cause you pause and you have to check out (ie Googled) if you can before deleting etc. So you just have to be cautious really.

    Mind you the phone ones won't work with me as I never answer the phone.

    Thanks for the heads up Frank.


    "If there was anything that depressed him more than his own cynicism, it was that quite often it still wasn't as cynical as real life." - Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Birmingham, England / Javea, Espana

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    I've had one of these so far, but I just treated them as I did when they rang saying they were Microsoft and that they had had a report that my computer was infected.
    I just said that my computer wasn't on, though it was running slowly now they mention it, and if they waited I'd switch it on and let them help me with it as I had some banking stuff to do.
    Then it's just a matter of getting on with whatever you're doing, make a cup of tea, mow the lawn, and so often they are still there when you come back, when of course you just hang up.
    Invariably they ring back as they are now convinced they have a sucker and you just repeat the whole process as you switched off the computer when you were cut off etc etc.
    It might be childish but it keeps me amused for half an hour. Its so sad when you have to rely on scam phone call for much craved human contact.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    These particular people have called me a few times. I have tried various tactics with them.

    None of us like what they do but take the time to remember there's a human being at the end of the phone. It's easy for us to judge them, but most of us live in comfortable homes and hopefully few worries. That can be in sharp contrast to the lives of the people calling us (usually from India).

    On one occasion, I tried the tack of having a conversation - not about the computer but about my caller. I suggested that she should find a better employer, one that didn't try and trick people. I asked her if she enjoyed working for the kind of company that it was. She broke down in tears and said that she hated her job and she hated her boss. She told me her boss walked around the room listening in on conversations and shouting at them. She explained that she had a young baby and desperately needed the money. I became worried she might lose her job.

    I wished her well and better fortune for the future.

    I think it's a reminder that no matter how much we hate getting these calls and hate the scoundrels that set up these outfits, the person calling you can be an ever bigger victim than you are. Try and give them some respect.

    I will add that other callers from that same company have been pretty rude and I have little sympathy for them, but that particular woman that called me that day did teach me a lesson (I sometimes forget) that we are all just people with problems of our own and we don't always have good choices to make.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    Quote Originally Posted by Seagull View Post
    Got a call from an Indian from India presumably, today. Apparently my computer is infected with malware and is sending out email or some such garbage. To prove his point he asked me to go into the start menu, click on the run command and type in assoc. When that came in he told me to scroll to the bottom of the list and read a number to me, told me that was my computer number, every computer has an individual number. Them back to run command and type in eventvwr. Double click on the application section to open it, click on type to put it in some sort of order, scroll to the bottom and sure enough I had two warnings and and a bunch of errors, most were computer hangup caused by xara crashing. Then he wanted me to go to a site called teamviewer.com, download their program so he can get into my computer to help me get rid of the infections. He is supposed to call back on Monday.

    So, if you would like more, google ".zfsentToTarget=CLSID" and there are plenty of articles on it. WATCH OUT, it is very easy to fall for if your not a computer expert. Remember, this is a call center from India and they are phoning you at your home, telling you your computer is sending out infected mail which starts to get you a bit panicy, then they claim to know it is coming from your machine by having you type in the cmd:assoc file and reading your computer number which they can see (Note, we all have the same number and they can not see you)

    Read up on it and beware. I mean, they phoned me. I'm basically a nobody so if they can phone me they can certainly phone you. I just read one or two articles very briefly but I have a feeling this is going international and it is going to get into big bucks and I believe the scam is evolving
    wow you certainly played along pretty far with them.. It's funny how they can turn from a regular tech guys voice to satan at the drop of a hat tho, check out the Australian news report here http://www.whycall.me/info/techsupportscam.php , they will literally terrorize you if you give them control of your PC

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Ice Station Zebra, Antarctica

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    Yes I wish people would NOT fall for these things. They will threaten you if you do not comply!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Watch out !!!!! New Scam

    How do we pronounced your user name?



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