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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Unhappy Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hello all,

    Yes, I have torn all my hair out. Yes, I have spent three days on the internet, only to find hundreds of others with this problem.

    Now I am turning to the big guns.... Can anyone help? I have a new computer with Win 7 64 bit. I first started to notice that webs I made in Xara DP 7 could not find the fonts used, even though I had installed them on my new system, often repeatedly! It's not just Xara. It's a problem with all programs at different times. Sometimes a font is there, sometimes not. When I install it, quite often it doesn't show up in the Windows font manager, although when I go to install it again, it knows, and asks whether I want to overwrite it. Sometimes overwriting will bring it back to the list, but often only for that session. With a reboot I am back to square one.

    I have had particular problems with Kaptiza, Bitstream and Adobe fonts, oh and not to mention Monotype. So that's ok, isn't it? LOL! The only suggestion I have had so far is to install a font manager, but I have never really understood those, and once had a bad experience in which I deleted all my system fonts by mistake, and couldn't get them back. So if I can do something without having to have a third party application, I would prefer this. Also, it seems a bit much to have to buy a font company's font manager just to use their non-working font. Seems so odd that there is no Windows fix for this.

    Anyone else have disappearing fonts?

    Many thanks for any help you can give.


    PS incidentally, some fonts disappear completely after being installed. Others I can still see, but they have symbols in the preview, suggesting Windows can't see past encryption. But all commercial fonts are encrypted aren't they? Can't see what I can do about that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hi Ali, is your logon for Windows 7 an administrator account?

    I'm not aware of any encrypted fonts either freeware, donationware, or commercial.

    Which type of fonts are you installing? Type1, truetype, or open type?

    Type1 fonts are a bit long in the tooth (getting old) so unless you have a specific need for a Type1 font skip them entirely.

    If you are installing a truetype and an opentype font that have the same name, only one will show in your font list not both. Best to install only one type of font, not both.

    If you use Xara3D any version, install truetype fonts because Xara3D doesn't "see" open type fonts.

    If you are not using Xara3D then install an open type font if you have the choice between truetype and open type.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hello Ali,

    Some Adobe applications (mainly Illustrator) can be extremely picky about fonts. But I have not experienced similar issues with most any other application. DP7 has certain issues with organizing fonts--some weights will not be present as a family but are still listed individually.

    It really sounds like something is wrong with the Win 7 installation.

    Question. How are you adding fonts? Are you right-clicking on a font and choosing "Install..." or ?

    Is there a particular Adobe or Bitstream font I can check to see what happens on my Win 7 64-bit system? I don't have any fonts by Kaptiza.

    Take care, Mike

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    StPeters, MO USA

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    I have a 64-bit system and haven't problems. I have tried various methods of installing fonts and they all work. The easyest is opening the font and clicking the install button located at the top. There are some fonts that are not visible to all applications, off hand I can't think of the sprcific type. So it sounds to me that you are indeed able to install your fonts it's just that not all your programs can see or use them. If you like I will list the 3 font managers I happen to like and use, all are free versions or shareware.
    Larry a.k.a wizard509

    Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hello. I am having problems with both .ttf and .otf fonts. Specifically, various Linotype fonts are now giving me real grief, all single fonts from various univers ranges.

    I installed font manager pro 2 and all that happened was that Xara dp 7 crashed when I even scrolled down the font list. I have uninstalled the fonts and uninstalled the font manager. The crashing has stopped, but now of course I don't have the fonts for the job. In windows some installed fonts are invisible in windows, never mind the programs like Xara. If I go to reinstall them, it asks if I want to overwrite so it knows they are there.

    Getting so tired of this. Kapitza fonts are declared as missing when I open a document, but are there in the list in xdp7. It's like being haunted.....

    Thanks to all who replied. I am v font literate. Have no idea what is causing this, but the internet is having exactly the same problem. No one seems able to fix the fonts not sticking problem. Not looking forward to the windows 7 reinstall.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    To be truthful, I have not read about this issue (with the exception I mentioned of Auntie Illy). The PDF is various versions of Univers, though the Adobe varient. OpenType format.

    The PDF was created in XDP.

    Take care, Mike
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Liverpool, NY

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    I had a problem similar to this, but not in Windows 7. It was caused by a corrupted font. I don't remember now if it was one of the system fonts or a third-party one.

    It would be time consuming, but have you tried uninstalling all the third party fonts and then installing them back one by one or perhaps in small batches to see if the problem is with a corrupt font?

    Also, this may seem far fetched, but have you tried updating your video and print drivers? Way back in the days of early Windows I remember that there were some bizarre application problems that ended up being caused by a bad mix between fonts, print drivers and video drivers.
    Last edited by Barbara B; 25 March 2012 at 10:43 PM.
    Barbara Bouton
    TalkGraphics Forum Administrator

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hi all,

    Thanks for responding. Have tried everything suggested here before posting. Hard to know what this is. Fonts are coming and going in the menus, and in windows, even though I have uninstalled the suspect fonts. Could perhaps understand if it were all problem fonts from one house, but it's fonts from different foundries, all with good pedigrees.

    Feel v sad. This is a brand new system, very powerful, with everything nice and compatible. And already, a fundamental problem. I know I face a reinstall of windows, but I can't face it at the moment. We don't keep restore points, because of security, so it's back to square one.

    Last edited by angelize; 26 March 2012 at 02:09 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    StPeters, MO USA

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Artyboots just in case this will help you. These are the font managers I use. As far as I know they are all free. AMP has been a long time favorite of mine. It does not say it works with Windows 7 but it does on my 64-bit Wlndpws 7 machine. They all have their own strengths. For instance, Font Xplorer lets you view the entire character set and will copy the selected glif as a vector that you can paste in XDP which at times can be very handy. Gare uses NexusFont, I don't have a lot of experience with that one yet. They are all trouble free, at least I have had no problems with them.

    Font Xplorer
    AMP Font Viewer
    Larry a.k.a wizard509

    Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hi Artyboots,

    I installed Xara on my laptop, and now I've the same problem. On my other computer everything works fine.
    It seems there is a difference in transmitting the fontpath to the FontInstall.exe by Xara.

    In the way it crashes Xara uses the old DOS-signs "~" in the path. On the other computer the path is written out.

    If somebody knows how to fix this, please let me know.




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