Hi Dave.

Thanks for your input and thanks for spotting the grammatical error!

The reason why it's all WHITE, is that if you go to the 'Sidepanel' page, that's a set of pages that I've copied from the magazine the sales people can download and print. The magazine is done with white pages so that it's not too heavy on printer ink etc...
To save a ton of work, if I am going to copy pages from the magazine and put them up on the web site, then things need to be white(ish).

That's not to say that I don't understand what you mean by everything being all white.

I also understand things being repeated.
I will probably remove some of the repetition in time, but initially, I want them to be able to get to pages that explain what's changed from a number of places.

The bit about what I'm offering (to be more accurate, what OSCAR offers) is something that I need to work on. That's for sure and I just haven't got there yet.
What is being offered, however, is not too critical. Those who are visiting the site have already been trained by me and are there just to remind themselves of what they may have forgotten etc...

But, I am not pretending that I've got everything worked out perfectly, by the way.