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Thread: Xara's help

  1. #1

    Default Xara's help

    Sometimes while reading some theads asking for help I really have to say to myself, God that's a dumb question, don't these people make any effort to find the solution themselfs before writting in. Probably some of them don't but then again, probably many of them do search for help within the program and the problem is that the help section could probably use a major overhaul.

    Sometimes I forget how to do something and I just go into help, but this does not always work and I am going to give you an example

    Last night, while just puttering around, I opened a web template and one of the first things I notice was "this box streches both horizontally and vertically" and another box was marked "this box streches vertically", etc. Now a few years ago I had played with this as a learning experience but had forgotten how, so, no problem, I go into help, in the index section I typed in stretch. Getting into that section, about the best response seemed to be stetchy objects, so I clicked on this and sure enough, at first glance I figured I was there. Trouble is what they are basically saying is that, yes, you can create stretchy buttons or boxes. So I say how and what is says is, yes, you can create stretchy buttons or boxes. So I say where can I go to learn and they say, yes, you can create stretchy buttons or boxes.

    Xara team, get links on this page so people can get to the right place to learn how to do this. Go through your whole help section and get links all over the place since this is not the first time this has happened to me, I really do think it needs revamping. A simple link to the correct page would have saved me quite a bit of time, but I had a major advantage since I roughly knew what I was doing; most people would not have a clue where to go to get the help needed.

    And if anybody is wondering where you go to learn how to create a strechy button, "Exports, slices & streches properties" is the answer. I really don't think too many newbies or even experienced people would ever think of going there to find the answer........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Xara's help

    Yes F1 is a great tool to use and it has helped so many.
    Design is thinking made visual.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara's help

    I think I'd agree with you both...

    yes the help is a first port of call, and as helps go pretty good.... and yes it can frequently be frustratingly difficult to find things
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Xara's help

    yes, i agree with both views posted
    If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
    They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
    Avoiding Manual Labour.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Alexandria, VA, USA

    Default Re: Xara's help

    Quote Originally Posted by Seagull View Post
    ...And if anybody is wondering where you go to learn how to create a strechy button, "Exports, slices & streches properties" is the answer. I really don't think too many newbies or even experienced people would ever think of going there to find the answer........
    Hi Frank,

    May I offer a suggestion FWIW? Try Googling questions prefixed with "Xara Xone" like 'Xara Xone stretch'. It usually yields good info that often refers to Xara Help subjects.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Xara's help

    Quote Originally Posted by Seagull View Post
    Sometimes while reading some theads asking for help I really have to say to myself, God that's a dumb question, don't these people make any effort to find the solution themselfs before writting in.
    I'm a bit of a newbie myself and have often asked questions on this forum and I'll probably ask again but one thing I do know how to do is spell.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara's help

    and if we must be pedantic, not the only spelling error

    but you know what? .. I am useless at spelling because I am dyslexic - I always have to triple check and even then invariably miss something and have to live with it or edit

    but it never gets in the way of the art.. and I know at least one great artist [not designer - artist] who cannot write at all...

    [hey Fred - did I spell pendantic right this time? ] [sorry Big Frank]
    Last edited by handrawn; 05 March 2012 at 04:55 PM. Reason: guess what... :)
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Xara's help

    the OP makes a good point whether his point includes a spelling error or not

    let's get back on tpoic, oops topic
    If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
    They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
    Avoiding Manual Labour.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara's help

    Yes, sorry Frank and frank

    and its got worse - the help that is - it doesn't so much read as a 'help' as a 'manual' sometimes, but without a properly comprehensive index or cross-referencing section...
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Xara's help

    ""as a 'manual' sometimes, but without a properly comprehensive index or cross-referencing section... ""

    Steve, bless his soul, has taken my whole thread complete with spelling errors and done a reader's digest on it, summing it up in less then 10 words. Thanks Steve, that has hit the nail on the head and stated the whole problem in 10 words or less.



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