I charge $95 for one page "business card" site. Includes hosting for one year and domain name for one year. $50/yr hosting after 1st yr., $15/yr domain renewal. (this is a good way to get new clients). $250 for 3 page "brochure" site, $350 to $450 5-6 page basic site, flash, slideshows, forms, hosting, etc. are extra. Custom sites - more than just basic run of the mill are quoted per site... roughly $250 setup (design/look/colors etc) & $100/pg average. Hosting $100/yr for 3 or more pages. I work in Southern California - I cater to small businesses. I charge $65/hr maintenance. Your location & clientele will affect your charges. Don't forget to figure in client meeting/phone time when calculating your time -- it is more than just developing a website.

As above poster said... depends, depends, depends... but maybe above info will give you a starting point to ponder.