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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Living in the South of England

    Post Message to: Administrator "AntonyF" (only).. can somebody inform him?

    I tried to send you a private message AntonyF, but apparently I'm not allowed to by administrators or something.. so I hope somebody tells you that I have replied to your message in this thread.

    These are the replies to your questions:

    1] I was purely commenting on my old posts to tell people that I have changed my account unsername from "Barracuda" to "TheBarracuda57". I haven't been on talkgraphics for 3 years, I've forgot how things work here! I had no idea that comments on posts would bring them to the top. I had no intentions for spamming this site, I just wanted to inform people.

    2] Again I was posting repetitive messages on threads to inform people of the change. I'm not going to be using my old account again. I was telling people my new account name and telling them not do be expecting any new art posts from my old account "Barracuda". Again, I had no idea commenting would bring a post to the top. Seeing as I commented on all my many posts, I can see why you are suspicious of spamming.

    3] I have 2 accounts yes, but I will only be using this one account from now on [TheBarracuda57] I made the username change because on many of the other art websites I use, the username "Barracuda" is usually always taken.

    *I was very young when I created the old "Barracuda" account.. many of the artworks I did then had a different style and detail to the artworks that I do now as "TheBarracuda57" (3 years later). Would it be possible if I keep both accounts? I'm never going to use the old one anyway I promise you. Again I am sorry for any spamming to this site I have caused. Can I please get my privaliged back? I am an artist at heart and NOT a spammer.

    Here is my new artwork post inforing people of my username change:


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Message to: Administrator "AntonyF" (only).. can somebody inform him?


    as this is an information only message I'll close the thread for now

    Last edited by handrawn; 27 December 2011 at 10:01 AM.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Default Re: Message to: Administrator "AntonyF" (only).. can somebody inform him?

    As I said via the message, you need to have one or the other account. Decide which. We can change your name on all posts - there's no need to create an entire new account and bring up 10 threads which are three years old just to add a number on to it.

    You can reply via your normal Baracuda account to continue this discussion.
    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.



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