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  1. #1

    Default I'm getting ghost images

    Can anyone help with this? I'm putting together some programs for a dance group using Xara Pro 6 When I "cut out" some of the characters from the photos using Pen Tool + Combine Shapes + Intersect, it all looks fine in the Xara doc until I go to export to PDF. The PDF is showing up a "ghost" image of the 'rectangle' of the photo that is no longer there. It's only on this one page... the other cutouts have been fine. Here is what I've tried:

    - I've created a bitmap copy of the photo and it still happens
    - I've closed off Xara and opened it again and it still happens
    - I've exported the cut-out as a PNG and reimported it and it still happens
    - I've restarted my computer.

    Here is a screen cap:


    I hope someone can help. It's 4pm Friday in Oz, and it should really be off to the printer by now.

  2. #2

    Default Re: I'm getting ghost images

    OK, I just had another brainwave and managed to sort it by creating a bitmap of the ENTIRE page: that one exported OK, but it still hasn't solved the problem of why the ghost of the former photo perimeter is appearing. It has happened to me on and off since starting using Xara 2 or 3 years ago and chews up a lot of time each time, trying (unsuccessfully) to solve it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: I'm getting ghost images

    Without either the XAR file or at least the image, kinda hard to guess.

    Might be because of the flattening options for the PDF, might be because of the type of PDF you are using, might be because ???

    Take care, Mike

  4. #4

    Default Re: I'm getting ghost images

    Thanks Mike

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Surrey, BC, Canada

    Default Re: I'm getting ghost images

    did you create the file close to Halloween? Maybe it is haunted.
    Intel i7-2600 processor 3.4GH, Windows 10 64Bit, 12GB Memory, Geforce 960 2Gb graphics card

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: I'm getting ghost images

    Pdf format doesn't handle a lot of transparency types. In fact, handling transparency at all in pdf format is a relatively recent development. So, the issue may be that you're using a version of the pdf format that doesn't know what to do with transparency. Or, since you have a fairly complex image, it may be that the pdf filter is having trouble figuring out what to do with all the elements within its limitations.

    The bitmap route is the best way — and sometimes the only way — to eliminate the ghost.



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