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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sloan, NY (Suburb of Buffalo, NY, USA)

    Default My links aren't working!!

    Hi all!
    I'm putting together (in a hurry) an online version of the village newsletter (http://sloan-connection.villageofsloan.org/). I used the newsletter template in Xtreme 5 which only had 2 pages so I added two additional pages and, being short on creativity this week, added a couple of simple arrow graphics for navigation.

    Everything's hunky-dory on the first two pages and the text first mailto: link on page 3 is OK but none of the other links on pages 3 & 4 will work.

    This is the first time I have used a template. Is there something I should do that I missed when adding pages to a template? I've checked, re-checked and checked again all of my link text. It just doesn't make sense to me!

    Thanks for any and all suggestions and advice!!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: My links aren't working!!

    Hi Jack

    You have given the objects both links and placeholder code. Remove the PH code and it should work fine.

    Same with the mailto links.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sloan, NY (Suburb of Buffalo, NY, USA)

    Default Re: My links aren't working!!

    Thanks so much for the quick response! Yeah, I forgot about the PH code . I was trying everything I could think of. Remembered after I uploaded the file. Removed all instances of PH code but links on pages 3 & 4 still not working. Also, "mailto:" link at bottom of each page still not working either.

    Since 90% of my problems are on pages 3 & 4: I created the two additional pages through the regular menu but is there some setting I'm missing that could hinder the link function?

    I'm grasping at straws, I know, but I'm both mystified & irritated as this has taken me nearly 2 days and I have yet to figure this out. I'm positive it's something trivial that I'm missing but, good gravy! Just work for crying out loud!

    Thanks again for your help. If you think of anything else I can try, please let me know.

    Best regards,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Stoke on Trent , UK

    Default Re: My links aren't working!!

    newsletter_Fall-2011.webhi the way i have got your links working is to drag open a text box not a text line for each block of text - then hilight any text and give it a link - so when your putting in text click the text icon and drag open a box - put your text inside that then you can hilight text and give it a link - the email link at bottom works now - i just split it up and just typed 2 text lines and hilighted the mailto and it linked it .
    the arrows had got paceholder code instead of just a normal link which was needed .
    I have enclosed updated file but you need to change the text links address's

    hope this help


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sloan, NY (Suburb of Buffalo, NY, USA)

    Default Re: My links aren't working!!

    My copy of Xara Xtreme is possessed! I don't know how else to describe it.

    Trukkerz and Drwyd, thanks for your help. Trukkerz, the text boxes solved the problem. But, I was unable to get the arrow links to work so I just decided to go with all text links. That's when I discovered the antichrist in my software.

    After removing all instances of the graphical links and creating all the text links, I saved and exported the site. When I opened it in my browser Page 1 was fine, Page 2 was fine. Page 3 still has the two arrows!

    I closed the browser and double-clicked on Page_3.htm. The text links are there. I opened the .xar file. The text links are there. I open Page_1.htm, navigate to page 3, the arrows are there.

    I saved the .xar to another directory. Double-check. Page 3.xar has the text links. I export to the new directory. Open Page_1.htm, navigate to Page_3.htm. The arrow links are there.

    I am <this> close to throwing my computer out the window.

    The .xar file is attached. Hopefully, y'all can find what it is that I'm missing.

    Thanks again
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Stoke on Trent , UK

    Default Re: My links aren't working!!

    hi i think the problem with your text links is that you had them linked to a web address and not a page - for navigation arrows just link to a <PAGE> in web designer.

    attatched ammended text links
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sloan, NY (Suburb of Buffalo, NY, USA)

    Default Re: My links aren't working!!

    Thanks so much, Trukkerz!!

    I had tried using the "built-in" settings for changing pages but sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. It was quite depressing as I wished many times in the development of the village's main siite that I could have used them. (Did that one the hard way) That's why my .xar file was so crappy.

    Whatever you did wouldn't work in some instances when I tried your suggestions. But the last mods you did worked flawlessly. I'm guessing from the .web extension that you're using Web Designer?

    The only thing that really irks me with Xara is that for the last 10 years, every time I bought the "latest and greatest" software, within 90 days it was replaced by something else. I cannot afford, even at the great prices, to buy a new product every 6 months. Other than that, I love the software. Wish I had better artistic abilities so I could really utilize the app. But, I digress.

    Thanks again for the help! Take care!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Stoke on Trent , UK

    Default Re: My links aren't working!!

    What software are you using "Webstyle ? " ive never used that I must admit - I got web designer 6 for £40 then they offerred me an upgrade when web designer premium 7 came out for £40 so i jumped at it - must admit well pleased in the ease of use of it and if I get a problem there is this great helpful Forum . do not despair there is always someone to help you here .

    Take Care


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sloan, NY (Suburb of Buffalo, NY, USA)

    Default Re: My links aren't working!!

    I used Webstyle years ago. In fact it was the first "web design" software of its kind that I had ever seen that didn't cost a thousand million dollars and seven cents! I never really cared for it either. Didn't seem to do much other than coming up with snazzy little menu graphics although I did really like the rollover effects without having to sit and write JavaScript until the wee hours of the morning !

    When I found out that the village wanted me to develop its web site I was using "Coffee Cup," which is what my last boss insisted upon. Don't know if you're familiar with it but it's just a fancy HTML editor. Wasn't too bad to work with, really. I still had my circa late '90s versions of Xara 3D, Webster and Webstyle. Actually used that old version of Webstyle for the nav bar on the first incarnation of the village web site.

    Then I bought Xtreme 5, the apparent precursor to Web Designer, late in 2009. I'm not kidding, it was less than 2 months later that a version of Web Designer came out and Xtreme was gone in a flash. Thankfully there's great support for it here in the forums! (Present company included, I am extremely thankful to say!!) If not for your help, I'd probably still be tearing my hair out and contemplating using my neighbor's shotgun to kill my computer!

    Thanks so much, once again and take care!!



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