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  1. #1

    Default What should I do in WD7 based website design from the SEO point of view?

    I need your SEO recommendations for my website design that was built with Web Designer 7 Premium. Is there any settings/options that I can set to increase my Google rank?

    My website address: www.sihirlidegnek.com

  2. #2

    Default Re: What should I do in WD7 based website design from the SEO point of view?

    I think there is nobody who interested in SEO that much

    Can this be good for SEO? I am planning on defining different keywords on different pages for my website (www.sihirlidegnek.com). On the main page (index page) there will be basic and main keywords and on the subpages there will be other different keywords.
    These keywords will be entered while on the related page through page tab of the ''web properties''. Do you think this is any good for the SEO purpose?

    I believe that there should be some other SEO tricks hidden in the WD7.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: What should I do in WD7 based website design from the SEO point of view?

    Good SEO is really common sense. Your page titles should describe what is on each page. You have the right number of keywords and page description. You have good content on the pages. I think you have done the right things.

    You can help Google find your page by entering your website here.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What should I do in WD7 based website design from the SEO point of view?

    In fact, I have done nothing on each page entries. I have just defined keywords, page title, description etc. in the 'Web' tab of the 'Web Properties'. The Page entries left blank. Today I am going to enter for almost 24 pages one by one.

    By the way. thanks for the Google link, gypriester.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: What should I do in WD7 based website design from the SEO point of view?

    Quote Originally Posted by adriene View Post
    I think I'll buy the designer pro 7 because I hope to become a pro one day although I think it's a steep learningcurve
    Great idea! That will greatly reduce your learning curve on site creation and design, leaving you more time for the vagaries of SEO.

    Sadly, there is no great and single source for beginners that I've found and I specialize in beginners. If I ever get to it, a beginner's blog and forum are on my to-do, list.

    Meanwhile. congrats for having your priorities right! Your site should be build around your BEST keywords, which means you should know them before you start. Next is to determine your landing pages, using ONLY your best keywords. Skip keyword optimizing on anything which is NOT a landing page, since you have no time to track them anyhow. And it's a waste of your time.

    Use the Google Keywords Tool, which also suggests alternative words. https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal
    Go back and forth between the Keyword Tool and the Traffic Estimator. This is technically a tool for paid ads. but very helpful for search if you do it right. What you want is keyword that may not be "perfect" but have low competition. That's almost always keywords that show a low price in the Traffic Estimator.

    This won't mke sense until you actually go there and do it!

    Example: Web Designer (as keywords) is not the best, because the competition is very stiff. What you want in the Keyword Tool is alternatives that have modest but adequate traffic in the traffic estimator. Here's a strategy example, using hypothetical numbers,

    Assume just two of your keyword choices.
    "Web Designer" gets 80 bajillion searches per month and costs $25 a click. Forget it.
    "Naked Web Designer" gets 3000 hits per month and costs $5 a click. (for first place in the ad list) This is your "best" keyword (in the two cases. Briefly, ranking #5 (in search) for 3000 searches for month will do a lot more than ranking 736th on 80 bajillion searches.

    Okay, let's assume you have three top keywords/phrases. Throw out the rest. You need three "landing pages" The reason you throw out the rest is that "keyword density" is a factor in rankings. What % of your total page words are keywords.

    Keep your landing page SHORT, roughly 300 words only, which gives you good keyword density with the fewest actual repetititions of each keyword. Keep VERY tighty focused on that keyword (and directly relevant phrases) and forget everything else. Landing pages are NOT the place for that great photo of your and your spouse.

    If you can, think of COMPETING for each click and you'll be ahead of 95% of all websites. For example, the Page Description is NOT a description. It's a sales pitch. You're selling the page, to earn the click. Describe the page, but as a sales pitch to visit. WHY should I visit (sell the sizzle, not the steak)

    And in most cases you can almost ignore your Home Page (for SEO) If you have three good keywords, and your three landing pages are tightly focused, your home page should not be a major factor in search (or ads).

    Use any third party tools you are comfortable with. You RARELY change your META tags by rewriting your page, and you only have a handful to care about anyhow. And Google has ignored the Keywords Meta for almost 10 years now.

    Which browser do you use? I suggest Firefox if you're using windows because it has lots of helpful SEO analysis plugins. Or Google search for "SEO validator" (no quotes) to find a few you're comfortable with.

    Google for "LinkAssistant" (no quotes) software which will help you build backlinks to your site the legal and quality way. The free version only does 20 at a time. But it's free.

    Most websites also ignore competition! If you have direct competitors, you MAY be able to see which keywords they're using and/or how to compete by using "View Source" in your browser. Do searches. See how they sell their site. If you can, think of how to compete against them. You must EARN every click to your site.

    That should keep you busy for a while. :-)

    Best of luck. Oh yeah, go to YouTube and check all the fine videos from Google on SEO, looking for the ones which best apply to you.




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