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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Problems with Xara Web

    Hi there
    I have had a Xara 7 site up and running for a while now and there were no issues with it. Now recently the "eye catcher widget - the one with the numbers (slideshow) - just disappeared? I then re-exported the website and uploaded the whole thing with the index.htm files and everything and then the home page went all skew and muddled.

    I then just re-imported the home page alone, and now the home page seems fine. But now the eyecatcher widget on one of the other pages has got muddled. it has replaced a few of the slideshow images with other images on the site?

    What could be the cause of this? please help? I am so scared that the site is going to start deteriorating more and more. what am I doing wrong?

    Thank you so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Problems with Xara Web

    Are you using the Republish changed files only option? Or are you using an external FTP application?

    My guess is that you are only publishing part of your document and this is causing problems.

    If possible, delete all of the files on the server and then republish the whole site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Problems with Xara Web

    Hi there
    Thank you for your reply. THat makes sense... perhaps that is what is happening.

    I dont use the Xara ftp feature as my internet connection is so slow that it times out. I just use File > Export Website > Then I export to a folder, then Zip the folder
    and upload that zipped folder to the CPanel of my website. (where i unzip it into the public html location)

    If i delete the files off my server and then import the zip file into it will it interfere at all with my google Analytics? As I notice there are files on my server like "robots.txt"?

    Thank you very much for your help




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