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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Pearland, TX

    Default Shouldn't items on locked layers be locked from moving?

    I have been using a template, ex-associate2, which has a page element containing 8 thumbnails and a bigger image in the middle with caption text next to it. I can change the thumbnail images and adjust their sizes. BUT....

    When I go to change the size and position, ie fill, of the image in the big window, by turning that layer on, unlocking it, selecting the clipped image then the fill tool, I can rotate it fine, but when I try to select its center and MOVE it up or down, side to side, Xara WD selects an underneath image on a different layer, almost randomly. EVEN IF all those layers are Locked and invisible.

    Doesn't locked mean un editable, un movable, un changeable?

    So frustrating. I am ready to toss the program out the door.

    Would appreciate any help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Shouldn't items on locked layers be locked from moving?

    Quote Originally Posted by Khiba View Post

    Doesn't locked mean un editable, un movable, un changeable?

    but items in a soft group which are across layers can still be moved, as the soft grouping takes precedence over the layer settings
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Pearland, TX

    Default Re: Shouldn't items on locked layers be locked from moving?

    ARRGGGHHH how annoying! so if I want to lock the lower layer, I need to ungroup the soft group? Its slow and tedious to try to pick one of 8 images in the soft group. Its strictly hit or miss. Seems like locked should take precedence over everything. Thanks for the answer, handrawn. I appreciate it. I would hate to have to go back to Dreamweaver and code.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Shouldn't items on locked layers be locked from moving?

    with the flagship program, designer pro 7 which includes all the web designer features, you can select items using the page and object [layer] gallery; but I am not sure you can do that with web designer 7

    since soft groups enable you to to cross layers [ordinary grouping is always on one layer] I guess you either have to have the whole thing locked even if only one layer is, or not at all - and the implementation is the latter
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Shouldn't items on locked layers be locked from moving?

    Object layers and solo mode is available in Web Designer 7 Premium.
    Khiba, check the Help file for 'Solo mode' and ' Soloing'

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Shouldn't items on locked layers be locked from moving?

    thanks for that ...
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Pearland, TX

    Default Re: Shouldn't items on locked layers be locked from moving?

    Thanks! I will check for the Solo mode and Soloing. I have the premium version so it should work.
    I am just getting how soft groups work. I appreciate y'alls help for sure. Cheers!




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