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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default slower and slower

    I bought Magix Web Designer 7 Premium about 3 weeks ago and the more I use it the slower it gets. Here are some details,
    loading the program= 220 seconds
    load new page=140 sec.
    publish a page=190 sec. and so on.
    If I get impatient and hit the enter key then the program freezes

    My machine is Windows 7 64 bit with 6 GB Ram
    Anyone know what's causing the problem. The software has some great features and is easy to use but it's no fun working with it because it's so slow.
    'preciate any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: slower and slower

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    Sheesh. That does not sound right at all. Even on an old slow computer the speed would be much faster than that.

    I wonder if you have a virus or something like that. I have noticed when Windows is downloading a major update that things get slower, but certainly not to that extent.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Cambridge, UK

    Default Re: slower and slower

    Has it done this from day 1? Or have you created a website over the last 3 weeks with more than 100 pages in it... there's been discussion on this forum in the past regarding the program getting slower [in my case very slow] when huge websites are developed

  4. #4

    Default Re: slower and slower

    Out of memory (RAM). Maybe another process running in the background. Open Task manager (right click on taskbar) and check performance. Should show about 25% while the program is running.
    If it's up at 100%, another process is running using up CPU time.
    Check the Applications tab and end any unwanted programs.
    Have a look at the processes tab and see what theusage is of other programs.
    What antivirus are you using?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: slower and slower

    I'm sure I don't have a virus. Everything else is working fine and I run my anti-virus program (Kaspersky) regularly. However, my site has over 200 pages. It's mainly a cooking site with lots of recipes and information on cooking. I also suspect that it might be a size problem. I am completely redesigning my old web site (done with Dreamweaver). Web Designer was never a speed demon and the more pages I transfer into the program the slower it gets.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: slower and slower

    hello actionit,
    thanks for your suggestions, no more time today but I'll see what happens tomorrow and get back to you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Derby UK

    Default Re: slower and slower

    Site is tooo big i would say it needs to be broken up

    see here how to do it with garys tutorial - large websites

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: slower and slower

    If you have a lot of photography this can also bring your site to its knees.

    If so, from the Utilities menu, select Optimize All JPEGs. Even though your images will export at 96dpi, if a photo is anything larger than 96dpi is is taking up extra space and can gobble up system resources. Optimize All JPEGs reduces the resolution of all in place photos to 96dpi.

  9. #9

    Default Re: slower and slower

    Kasperky is know to cause issues for many resource intensive applications.

    Are you loading this web site upon application startup? That is, does it automatically load whatever you last worked on when opening XWP? If so, try closing all work after saving it, then exit XWP.

    On 200 pages, I think one should have the site broke into sections. Perhaps a single XWP file per main menu selection.

    Take care, Mike

  10. #10

    Default Re: slower and slower

    Quote Originally Posted by whiteyk0 View Post
    ....my site has over 200 pages. It's mainly a cooking site with lots of recipes and information on cooking. I also suspect that it might be a size problem.
    ... the more pages I transfer into the program the slower it gets.
    Yes, this is very likely your problem. Follow Mike's suggestion and break the site into parts. A different *.web file for each category for example.

    The difference between DW and WD is that Web Designer uses one single file (the *.web file) for all your pages and assets. So each time you open this file of 200 pages, each page with it's own images/photos which is unpacked into memory (this is the same as how Word documents work - one file contains ALL the pages and whatever the page has embedded in it)
    Because Xara is a 32bit application your 6Gb RAM doesn't help here because it can only access a little over 3Gb.
    DW creates one file per .htm page and the assets are on disk.

    I would also echo Gray's suggestion and optimise as you go - each time you optimise, close the file then reopen it, because the larger version is still in memory until the .web file is closed then reloaded.




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