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Thread: Piecemaker 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Southampton - UK

    Question Piecemaker 2

    Hi Guys:

    Can someone help with a query regarding The Piecemaker 2 image rotator ?

    (a) Is its possible to use this in Xara WD7?
    (b) If yes - how is it done?



  2. #2

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    There's a PDF document on that site with some example scripting.
    If you know how placeholders work in WD7 then you should be able to work them in.

    By the way, you haven't posted in the best forum for Web Designer 7 help (WebStyle is an old and now retired program)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Southampton - UK

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    Thanks ShapeShifter - I hadnt realised I had posted in the wrong area, sorry! (Not sure how to move this to the WD7 section)

    I have got Piecemaker 2 running OK, but have had problems with the positioning of the placeholder. When positioned "correctly" in WD7, it's in a different position when I view it in my browser.

    I have to "offset it" by a large amount to the left in WD7 to make it appear central in any browser. Very difficult (impossible?) to get exact WYSIWYG positioning. Is this normal with WD7?



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    I'll move the post. It's my job.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    It would help someone here to help you if you could upload an example file demonstrating the problem. Else we would need to download and create our own examples and maybe have or not have the problem.

    Perhaps even a link to the site exhibiting the issue would be good enough to take a look at the code.

    Thank you, Mike

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Southampton - UK

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    Thanks very much to you both.

    Here's the of the Piecemaker 2 slider:-


    Here's the Xara file


    As the Piecemaker 2 script requires its own files, I have included them below with the complete page:-


    I am sure I am doing something daft - so please put me straight

    Thanks in advance


  7. #7

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    Got it--thanks JW.

    I'll give it a good look and get back to the thread....Mike

  8. #8

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    OK JW. A few things.

    In the head code, there were negative offsets. I ripped them out altogether. I resized your images in keeping with the size of the placeholder. I altered the XML to equal the new 900px size of the graphics and placeholder.

    Take care, Mike
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Southampton - UK

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    Mike, thanks very much for your efforts. I am very grateful, but now a tad more confused!

    The default piecemaker.xml file used an image size of 960 x 340, and so I deliberately resized my images as 960 x 340 to comply. (thats why they looked crimped)

    You say :-

    In the head code, there were negative offsets. I ripped them out altogether. I resized your images in keeping with the size of the placeholder. I altered the XML to equal the new 900px size of the graphics and placeholder.
    Can you explain why you did this? Was this arrived at as a result of your experience of using WD7? I dont understand your reasons - sorry.

    I note that in the head of the placeholder you modified this line:-

    swfobject.embedSWF('piecemaker/piecemaker.swf', 'piecemaker', '1000', '500', '10', null, flashvars,

    to this:-

    swfobject.embedSWF('piecemaker/piecemaker.swf', 'piecemaker', '900', '500', '10', null, flashvars,

    The original line that I pasted into the head, was that which was supplied with the script. So was this wrong?

    Also - to add to my confusion, your edited Xara web file (test_modified.web) is still doolally in my copy of WD7 .. see here:-


    This is the same problem that I posted about. i.e. WD7 is not displaying a WYSIWYG placeholder.

    I feel that maybe I have "lost the plot" somewhere, and would be grateful if you could put me right.

    Thanks in advance for your help


  10. #10

    Default Re: Piecemaker 2

    JW--the "internal" preview ain't gonna work. Switch to using one of the browsers listed at the top of the preview window.

    I resized the codes simply because your placeholder was smaller.


    For a look of it being on the web--but I also just changed the page width. At least on my browser one couldn't see the real effects of it being centered on the page, especially with a white background and page.

    Take care, Mike




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