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  1. #1

    Default Page titles, descriptions & keywords

    I am almost at the end of revamping a fuchsia related website that has been up and running for a few years. I have to add that it was created with Dreamweaver which was like trying to push a piece of string in a straight line compared to Xara.

    My website currently ranks in 4th place on Google, depending what search phrase is used, which I am quite chuffed about.

    My query is (before I upload it) should I continue with the same keywords which includes mis-spellings of fuchsia (quite common). Google now seems to pick up bad spelling, so should I eliminate these. Also, how many keywords is too many and will changing the page titles and descriptions have any affect on the current ranking?

    Cheers for any comments.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Page titles, descriptions & keywords

    Welcome to TalkGraphics Richy

    I'm confused (nothing new). Is the site you are about to post created with Web Designer or with Dreamweaver?

    I am going to assume Web Designer since you posted in the Xara Web Design Chat.

    I would look at the page source for the sites ranked above yours and see what words they use in their title, description and keywords.

    I would keep your title down to about 12 words, but get as much information as you can that zeros in on what your site is all about.

    Rephrase the title in the Description of your site and again keep it fairly short and relevant.

    Key your keywords or keyword phrases down to about 12 keywords or key phrases.

    The try to have a block of text on your home page that incorporates the key words.

    In other words, make the whole thing work as one.

    The other thing that will help is a site map which Xara creates automatically if you include the URL to your home page in the Publish dialog.

    And traffic. If you can get other sites to link to your site this is always important.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Page titles, descriptions & keywords

    Hi Gary
    Sorry for confusing you, I am using Web Designer 7. Won't bother with Dreamweaver again.

    Now I'm confused. My web site is www.fuchsiaflower.co.uk, I can track hits and referrals so I know if someone searches for 'fuchsia flower' in Google then this when my site ranks 4th. If they where to search for 'fuchsia' then the site is ranked somewhere on the sixth page. In this instance if I look at the source codes for all the fuchsia sites ranked above mine they all use keywords mostly the same as me. Some do not have keywords at all!

    So is it just the domain name fuchsiaflower.co.uk that is causing the highest rank?

    After looking at Google's Webmaster Tools they say keywords are no longer of any use and are ignored and have been for some years, although other meta tags are used, I've looked at these but as yet am unable to understand them. I don't know how other search engines work but Google must be the one that 99% of people go for.

    Sorry for going off the web design theme but as entering keywords is still a function in Web Designer 7 then it could be of no use.

    Your thoughts on this one would be welcome.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Page titles, descriptions & keywords

    Won't bother with Dreamweaver again.
    Good riddance.

    I just looked at your site code. Your title is the URL for your site. This is wrong.

    Make your page title something like "Fuchsia Flower, Everything you need to know about Fuchsias." Or something relevant like that. That should help a lot.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Page titles, descriptions & keywords

    Cheers Gary

    That site has been up for a few good years now and was created back in the days when I knew nothing (not that I have learnt much since). It does look pretty naff and ancient compared with the new look one I am on with.

    Thanks for help.




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