Hi Shapeshifter,

This is the Dear Xara section, so it was a suggestion to Xara. I don't know anyone here apart from Gary. Are you a Xaran? It probably would concern the marketers at Xara rather than the programmers. If there were something like this, however simple, Xara would be able to advertise it. Netobjects Fusion, which is a competitor, and many of us have really loved it, has only simple mobile templates (no amazing new feature, no special programming), but that is making sales for them (I suspect people don't realise that regular Fusion web sites display excellently anyway on mobiles, up to quite large sizes!)

It was a deliberate decision at Xara not to cater for Blackberries, and I understand it, but it doesn't make you feel any better when you see your stats and the number of customers who must have been frustrated by what they saw.

Yes, I can make my own. But then again, not really. You can see my post asked whether anything else could go into special blocks of text, so that you could bold or colour different text. I am not a coder, which is why I ask. If it would be simple, perhaps Xara could stick a few Blackberry/mobile templates in the gallery, and have a whole new feature to market.
