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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Park City, Utah

    Default Sub directories and updates.

    Are the plans for the future to have the ability to create a site with sub directories that can accept repeating (live copies) from one source?
    I have several websites that I have created in Dreamweaver that I would love to have in Xara DP7 but they are huge and have many sub directories. It would be too much work updating menu links, headings and footers on all the pages located in these sub directories manually each time they change. These sites are too big to keep all files in one directory.

    This is the only thing that prevents me from using Xara for large websites. This would save me a ton of money (in time) since creating websites in Xara DP is super fast.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Sub directories and updates.

    Do smaller websites?

    Actually, what I do is use NetObjects Fusion 11 ( I have not committed to 12 yet) for large websites such as the Xara Xone which have too many sub directories. But currently this amounts to about 5% of the sites I create and manage. If a site is not overly large, I have much more control with Designer Pro and everything I need is in the same program.

    NetObjects Fusion has some serious and as of yet, unfixed issues with Windows 7 64-bit and I am sooner or later going to have to ditch the program.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Park City, Utah

    Default Re: Sub directories and updates.

    I feel the same in regards to control. I actually only take on jobs I can do in DP right now.



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