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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default href to popup layer - HOWTO?

    Hi everyone,

    How can we link to a popup layer from within e.g. frametext.htm so that the link will work from within a scrollable frame?

    href="verpl%20verm.htm" target=MainFrame>

    <p class=MsoBodyTextIndent style='margin-left:0cm'><span style='layout-grid-mode:
    line'>Teks to appear within the frametext.htm frame. Should be scrollable, and it should be possible to contain links to other parts of the website such as popup layers. (cfr “<a
    href="popup_layer.htm" target=MainFrame>or other pages and such.</a>”)<o:p></o:p></span></p>
    So what I did is this:
    I have a webpage containing a rectangle serving as the scrollable placeholder. This rectangle is copied over to some 6 popup layers on the same page. The popup layers are controlled by 6 buttons on this specific page.
    The code within the scrollable placeholder refers to a completely separate frametext_1.htm to frametext_6.htm htm document.
    It is from within these frametext_1.htm documents that we d'need to (h)reference to other popup layers, even popup layers that are on different pages.

    Is there an existing and working referencing mechanism?

    Thanks for you help!

    The test site is over here: ipanini.com/adm/
    Erwin Panen

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: href to popup layer - HOWTO?

    It is not possible to access elements of the other iframes from the iframe on the same page.
    To invoke the popup layers on the parent page, do following.
    1. Add an unique name to any object on the popup layer (use only letters and digits, do not use any punctuation including spaces except for the "_" and "-" characters. Make sure it does not begin with a digit or letter "x")
    2. In the ifarame page, set your link to be opened in the parent frame (Link tab, "Open link" - "Parent frame (_parent)"). Enter following code in the URL field:
    javascript:xr_xmc();var o=document.getElementById('LayerId').parentNode.parentNode;xr_xpul=o;xr_v1(o);
    Where LayerId is the name you have added to the object on the pop-up layer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: href to popup layer - HOWTO?

    Wow, John, thanks for your extremely swift answer ;-)

    I think I understand 90% of your message, but have doubts about what you specifically mean with "parent page";
    Would there be any hierarchical difference parent <-> child?
    Or would just "other" or "different" page be correct?

    I've concocted a schematic diagram attached.
    Please feel free to comment on it. It may be enlightening to others in these not so obvious matters..

    Super Thanks!

    question.xar Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2-07-2011 14-17-14_links_diagram.jpg 
Views:	211 
Size:	97.8 KB 
ID:	82612
    Erwin Panen

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: href to popup layer - HOWTO?

    I can't comment on your diagram as I don't quite understand it.
    The parent page, is the page that has the iframe. The child page is the one loaded into the iframe.
    You can heave links on the child page that control pop-ups on the parent page (using the code I provided).
    If your parent page has multiple iframes, and the child pages in these iframes have pop-ups, you can not have a link in one child page that would control a pop-up on the other child page.
    Also, you can have links on the parent page that control pop-ups on the child pages. Use the same code but add the id attribute to your iframes and type these id's in the target field of the links.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: href to popup layer - HOWTO?

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    I can't comment on your diagram as I don't quite understand it.
    The parent page, is the page that has the iframe. The child page is the one loaded into the iframe.
    You can heave links on the child page that control pop-ups on the parent page (using the code I provided).
    If your parent page has multiple iframes, and the child pages in these iframes have pop-ups, you can not have a link in one child page that would control a pop-up on the other child page.
    Also, you can have links on the parent page that control pop-ups on the child pages. Use the same code but add the id attribute to your iframes and type these id's in the target field of the links.
    Thx John, I understand up to 99% now (I guess)
    I also understand why you don't understand my diagram now, although itrs in plain english

    I'll try to further clarify for example purposes, so please bear with me.

    Erwin Panen



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