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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Video mostly with Xara

    Dear all!

    There was a contest for the best story for ISL Online products and I posted a video, which was made mostly in Xara. I spent about 10 hours creating video (xara + premiere + music). After exporting flash, I took Premiere to put some music on the track.

    Video is available here:

    If you think it is cool, LIKE it.

    Best regards,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Video mostly with Xara

    Mmm. I managed about a minute - not at all my kind of thing. :-(

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Crystal Lake, IL.

    Default Re: Video mostly with Xara

    I got to about 1:30 into had to take a look at the the run time was 4:08. I had to close the window for my own sanity. I'm sorry to be rude it the video seemed it it was insulting my intelligence - a pet-peeve, sorry.

    It's cute, but the story moves entirely too slow. I would suggest picking up the pace of the story, I don't think we need as much time to read the text and text bubbles as you've allotted. Shortening the amount of time to read the text and text bubbles will pick up the pace, and reduce the viewing time. All text of the scene (IMHO) should only be on the screen for about 1.5x -2x the amount of time an actor would need to say it - that should still give more than enough time to read them for all viewers. If viewers are not able to keep up (and I find that hard to believe), then they can pause and/or go back to read what they missed. ...then again, if they are having trouble keeping up, then odds are they don't of the "where-with-all" to know they need and/or desire the product you are pushing - not to say anything about having the money to buy it.

    ...just my $0.02
    ~ Madalynne ~
    a.k.a.: M1SS D3V10US, a.k.a.: Sharkie

    | My TalkGraphics.com Albums | Xara Xone Guest Tutorial 98 |

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Video mostly with Xara

    Now where's that DISLIKE button when I need it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Video mostly with Xara

    Piece of CAKE, not piece of COKE.

    I thought it was fun (though I too checked out after a few minutes).

    But, I always admire someone who puts that much time and effort into a project. And if nothing else it is a learning process.

    Thanks for making it in English. And welcome to TalkGraphics.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Video mostly with Xara

    WTF? WTF? .. sorry! sorry! sorry! =>

    the rest I couldn't relate to, but I agree with Gary

    [maybe a bit more 'South Park' might spice it up a bit... then you could keep in the coke ]
    Nothing lasts forever...



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