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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    WD6 embedding fonts using @font-face - can it be done?

    Has anyone successfully embedded fonts in their Xara Web designer sites using CSS @font-face and loading fonts onto their server?The reason I ask is that I know Xara makes it so easy to display text as graphics but for search engine purposes it would be great to have my titles read as text.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: embedding fonts using @font-face - can it be done?

    Welcome to TalkGraphics.

    Export the text as a bitmap. Then in Website Properties > Image, add the text as Alt text. The search engines can read the Alt text.

    There are websites that have fonts you can embed on your site. But they cost, and it is a pain. You do not get the font, you have to add a link to the website where you purchased a license to use the fonts. When someone visits your site, the browser has to go to the font's website to load the font and display the text. So you are flying blind as far as how the text will actually display.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: embedding fonts using @font-face - can it be done?

    Thanks for the post - My reason for asking this question - 1) I do know about alt attribute and general SEO but you can't beat good old text especially in titles as far as google is concerned especially when your site like mine is heavily graphics based and you need to get your own brand name across to search engines to compete with other sites selling your same brand, and 2) Squirrel Font at http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface give free hundreds of prepackaged @font-face kits which include multiple font formats, CSS and HTML code for most browsers. I know it wouldn't be the easiest way but to have readable text in the desired logo font seems quite tempting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: embedding fonts using @font-face - can it be done?

    The way I look at it is like this. You create a website to entertain people or to provide content. Most people use their website to provide content.

    So, you can get tricky, or you can make your text clear and easy to read. I have yet to hear from any client I have designed a website for complain about my use of fonts, usually Verdana, Trebuchet MS, and Georgia. Are they as cool as the fonts I used to use when I was designing advertising or doing graphic design? No. But when I was working primarily in print, my first thought was always to pick a typeface that was easy to read. And if the font had a bit of style and was still easy to read, excellent. But if the font was hip and cool and you could not read it, then I eschewed hip and cool and went for readability.

    I am an old tired and often grumpy person. But my philosophy for over 40 years in the world of professional design has always been make the information as easy to access as possible. Don't be clever for the sake of being clever.

    But that is just me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Dallas, TX

    Default Re: embedding fonts using @font-face - can it be done?

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    ...my first thought was always to pick a typeface that was easy to read. And if the font had a bit of style and was still easy to read, excellent...
    You may actually be agreeing with meswan's point, here. Have you looked at the fonts on the page he pointed to? Many of them meet both criteria. And using @font-face, if the browser doesn't support it, it defaults to whichever other font you choose, if I understand correctly. The fonts at Font Squirrel don't seem to require the type of code you were referring to, and a second-party website. Just upload the fonts to your own server and point the css to the correct subdirectory. Something new for all of us to learn! Yay, something to get grumpy about. (And I'm not being facetious. I get grumpy changing my ways, too.)



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